what would the government do if you had superpowers

National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. So if you like the world where government is forced out of metahuman affairs, that's perfectly fine. I think a really good example of how the government would react could be found in marvels civil war, or xmen, batman vs superman. Not as wide blown as the original, but something the government kept just for laughs. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. We do not know where the creature came from, or how it got here, just as we don't know why people have started to develop powers. Someone is going to make a youtube video of their new powers, and it's going to go viral - not because people believe it, but because of course the person is going to do something dumb with their new powers that makes for a funny video. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? The government being the government will issue that we need to register. Like the Avengers, use your Super Powers to help others! If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Unfortunately, tests also show inconsistencies like missing organs, or organs/parts that humans dont have, like gills, wings, venom glands, fangs. The government's response is going to depend a lot on how people are reacting to this. The closer to authoritarianism the more the government would move to crush/control the new population. 2 The government would try to find a way to either get rid of said superpowers from people or try to find a way to make super soldiers with said genetics from all the countries superpowered people. The next time you get a bump or bruise, try coughing. First hand-accounts. While this is true, the exact response would be determined by where the government is currently on the political spectrum. As a result, there was great tension and rivalry. Detain them as illegal immigrants and start a long bureaucratic procedure of their deportation. On the other hand, the U.S. caused the U-2 incident and involved themselves in the events in Iran and Guatemala. I do believe that everyone has their time but I know a lot who died too young. It will be pretty easy to determine that something is violating the laws of physics as we know them - most magics as shown in fiction clearly violate the conservation of mass and energy. And, if so, one would expect that such portentous incidences of the supernatural would be exactly why they have those agencies, kept laughable so as to hide them from serious scrutiny. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 60s? As a superpower, the United States has much more leeway to choose where, how, and on what issues it wants to involve itself. How would Earth's governments react to the discovery of many human-occupied magical worlds? He subsequently became Content Manager at PressReader. The existence of one, two, or multiple superpowers (a unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar world) determines the stability of the international order, as well as the prospects for war and peace. When a person has their super power named and acknowledged, they feel seen and validated, and they know that what they bring to the team is irreplaceable. Spells from the rare forementioned books suddenly work, reliably. Perhaps most important, the dominant position the United States holds in the world economy attracts young smart people from all over the world, and the resulting influx of immigrants continually rejuvenates the U.S. workforce. They (as understanding they were a joke) take over quickly and efficiently, slowly gaining some recognition within the government for their stealthy and efficient ability in 'capturing' these anomalies and studying them. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. That gap would take decades to close even if things go badly for the United States. At this point, the idea that magic and the supernatural are just myths are pretty well drilled into peoples' heads. They began to carry out covert, or secret, operations to weaken or overthrow governments unfriendly to the U.S. An alliance between the Soviet Union and 7 other Eastern European Countries. Jobs /Hero Registration Act- To use powers as professional whether it is civilian work or hero work. The two countries also have sanctioned U.S. allies and colluded in the United Nations to block or water down U.S. sanctions on North Korea and Iran. Chinese workers produce six times less wealth per hour than American workers on average. The army and navy were trimmed and the Air Force was expanded. A low-ranking FBI agent observes something undeniably supernatural. It would be fun to have a super power. The normal reaction of the population, if news of the developments spreads before the government can lock it down, is usually similar; fear and suspicion. How would the world governments react if the supernatural was discovered? Not saying this is right but historically we freak out when we met things we can't comprehend. I always think about whether or not comics and movies portray that realistically. ", "As such the govt is forced out of metahuman affairs leading to privatized superhero firms. Covert agencies and imprisonment of mages are in the cards, but this is early. rum_neat_plz 8 yr. ago. The FBI knows something weird is going on, but no laws have been broken yet. Usually, the only way to identify them is from other people's feedback. After preliminary tests, we can confirm that at least 99% of scientists are very disappointed that they are not the ones who gained a superpower. Should one nation have the right to remove another nation's head of government from power? Civil rights go right out the window. The invisible woman has been stalking people in the streets for weeks. Officials in the Democratic administration, bracing for a contentious debate on Capitol Hill about reauthorizing the program, sought on Tuesday to make a public case about the value of the . What does a search warrant actually look like? At this point, we do not know what is causing this to happen. If you read the headlines on any given day, it seems like the United States is headed for a fall, as rivals China and Russia push their weight around. * Oil crisis and the U.S. feared that Iran's Prime Minister might turn to the Soviet Union for help Partisan divisions have surged to levels not seen since the Civil War, gridlock has become the political norm, and special interests increasingly infect U.S. institutions. For private use if you don't seek proper training and people are harm by your you will be punished to full extent of the laws, 3. A superpower also draws its power from a superior economy, as well as the capacity to influence other states and international institutions (soft power). The more data that we have, the better we will be able to understand what is going on and why. Institutionally, the United States is a mess, but Chinas system is worse. Then when a local news agency goes to investigate the person's insistent claims that the powers are real, they'll be presented to a nice demonstration of that reality. Not to mention their powers aren't under gov't control or oversight, making them a credible threat to national security. Income Tax. Now, what you need to consider is whether or not your world has any such people. It's really up to you about the message you want to send. Laws don't matter beyond enforcement. Humans are found, that seem completely normal- except they have no identification. I am currently working on a superhero world where suddenly approximately 1%of humanity gains some level of superpower in the late 60s. During the Cold War, for instance, the United States could not intervene in world affairs without taking into account the position of the U.S.S.R., and vice versa. They'd honestly be treated as criminals or terrorists, and would be lucky to survive a week. The only reason to register any of them is if they start breaking laws, register them and keep a database just so you can keep track if they start again. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Do they just disregard the current laws to contain it, or would they wait for proof? Different branches of the government may have different strategies and may or may not know that other branches also know about the supernaturals. The problem in the state of nature, Rousseau said, was to find a way to protect everyone's life, liberty, and property while each person remained free. Another thing to keep in mind is that people's perception would already be influenced by super hero media. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? These enumerated powers include, among other things, the power to levy taxes, regulate commerce, establish a uniform law of naturalization, establish federal courts (subordinate to the Supreme Court), establish and maintain a military, and declare war.In addition, the Necessary and Proper Clause has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to define implied powers, those which are necessary to carry out those powers enumerated in the Constitution. As California's emergency winds down, such declarations . I was going to have the govt try an hold some of the new metahumans against their will for studying but the plan fails as they don't have proper containment facilities. No history. Is this a realistic response?". Jokes aside, we've conferred with other world leaders and can confirm that this appears to be a widespread, if rare, occurrence. Gamers in particular are going to be incredibly excited - finally all of their fantasies might be able to come true in real life! Second, because the United States is so powerful, it often tries to do ridiculously difficult thingsdemocratizing the Middle East, winning a war on drugs, convincing North Korea to give up its nuclear weaponsand thus fails more often and more spectacularly than do weaker countries with more modest aims. 4. Its only neighbors are Canada and Mexico. Considering what you learned in this section, evaluate Truman as a world leader. As soon as the government catches wind of you they'd capture you and make you a human test subject. Americans are generally more aware of their own countrys problems than they are of Chinas. The types of power are: interpersonal power , legitimate, referent power , expert power , reward power , coercive power.. However, the players have so far ratted out one player as having powers (a psychic effect, reaching out to a target and extending a purple flame to engulf them which results in incapacitating pain for a few moments.) While not dependent on the "Sovereign Citizen Movement", one of the many claims made by those within the movement is that the federal income tax is unconstitutional. Bring back people who went too soon. Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings. No - Every Country has the right to make their own decisions and decide whose in charge. Institutionally, the United States is a mess, but Chinas system is worse, he said. He favored a policy of peaceful coexistence in which two powers would compete economically and scientifically, a U-2 pilot who said that they were concerned about the dangers of flying past the Soviet Union but not greatly. Congress approved this in March of 1957. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Eisenhower denied that U-2 planes had been spying on the Soviet Union. Poking, prodding, dissecting. The French word for "yes" is spelled oui but is pronounced like we. If no progress is made, it opens the way for declarations by other powers to take that step forward with an aggressive policy, military or otherwise. I imagine people in real life would end up doing the same thing, to an extent. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Although Avengers: Endgame draws the current Marvel Cinematic Universe to a close, there will no doubt be plenty more super hero adventures to fuel the world's appetite for superpowers. Russia and China will never form a genuine alliance. Power Weapons Act- Superhumans are not to be used as weapons of War or militarized by government. This is probably what's attracting downvotes. A small-scale reaction. the willingness of the U.S., under President Eisenhower, to go to the edge of all-out war. The government won't be able to do anything to prevent that, even if it wanted to. But Russia and China still harm U.S. interests by acting in concert on a limited set of issues. hydrogen bomb - the most destructive thermo-nuclear weapon that would have the force of 1 million tons of TNT, Eisenhower's anti-Communist Secretary of State, the willingness of the U.S., under President. The official policy would likely be be to deny it publicly while trying to get ahead of the situation. As cliche as it sounds, they'd probably form a small secretive division that specifically deals with the supernatural, so that even among them there are as few people as possible that have to know what's going on. Before the incident, they were headed in a friendly direction, but after, they became rivals. Avoid being outside alone, and have a way to defend yourself when possible. The United States naturally wanted Europe to be rebuilt along Democratic-Capitalist lines, while the Soviet Union . Even then superhero groups are pseudo government regulated, I was working on the laws that would be need to be place, 1.Superhero good samaritan act- Where a person with powers who is general try to help is not punished for any bad things that might happen in the act of helping, 2. Each branch had a unique delineation of authority and responsibility, commonly referred to as the separation of powers. A related benefit is freedom of action. What about the 'proof' of them? Even if this went nowhere, they would become renowned for their abilities in handling the situation efficiently. People get them suddenly, but they're exceptionally rare. In this situation, I'd think there would be some government organization somewhat like the fictional SCP Foundation. Great Responsibilities and New Global Power World War II transformed the United States from a midlevel global power to the leader of the "free world." With this rapid rise in power and influence, the United States had to take on new responsibilities, signaling the beginning of the "American era." October 23, 2020 How might the Cold War have progressed if the U-2 incident had never occurred? Also, dissecting someone is like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. If the U.S.S.R. could be considered a superpower despite its rivals edge, it is because, in the words of John Mearsheimer, it could put up a real fight and pose a significant challenge to U.S. global dominance. Unless the critter's remains appear identical to that of a known large wild animal (which could be the case if it's a bear infected in some way by magic), this is immediately going to be something many people start following - it's not uncommon for attack by wild animals to get attention from the news, and unless the people who were attacked have something to hide they are likely to enjoy the 5 minutes of fame from telling the story to some news agency. But I was working on similar scenario and my solution was initial group like Justice League or Avengers and something like an "Alien Invasion or Big event" where the public would rally around the heroes. This act of forceful pressure activates your body's vagus nerve. With more people than that, there's a good chance some scientist will develop powers and be super excited to try to understand them. They can, however, do their best to prevent people from panicking: By now, most of you have probably seen or heard about the Youtube video of the man with a superpower, as well as the news report that the video was not faked. The government would be slow to believe that anything is happening but different portions of the huge bureaucratic beast that is the government would figure it out faster than others. Michael Beckley: First, the United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. There are a couple witnesses, but the critter is killed and burned thanks to some quick thinking by average people. Some claim that, since "sovereign citizens" are not citizens of the federal corporation, they are not subject to their taxes. Losing someone close to you hurts and I know how it can affect the people who loved them. This is what we call a link-only answer, meaning that there is no information provided about the link it references. They would try to take you in and if you refuse everything will be going downhill for you that's how low humans are. Upward mobility, entrepreneurship, and life expectancy are declining. They can do this without informing your next of kin or anyone else. There was a lot of civil rights movements happening in the 60s also that could play a huge role in how society would view super people. The people getting powers are receiving them as payment for completing missions. No, I still have yet to see it! It was first used to describe the British Empire, which, at the end of the 19th century, extended Queen Victorias reign over nearly one-quarter of the worlds land surface and more than one-quarter of the worlds population. The goverment in my opinion would likely intervene if they thought you could kill with your power (lik owning a weapon). Example, if you can manipulate time at will, and the gourvenement finds out, they can do anything about it muhaha. Even dramatic showdowns generally can slip by the attention of the press as if things come down to open conflict any civilians nearby generally end up dead--it's easy enough to pass it off as the work of a maniac. Depending on the numbers of super powered people would also have a big impact on what would happen, say a 1/3 of the world or more develop them then nothing would happen because of the backlash and sheer numbers of people against anything that may hinder them. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. More than two-thirds of Chinas workers lack a high school education; and one-third of Chinese young people entering the workforce have an IQ below 90, largely a result of malnutrition, poor care, and pollution. The grass tends to look greener on the other side. What is the situation in Massachusetts that Adams complains to her husband about? It's much easier to destroy than to build, and things could turn nasty quick if someone with powers decided to go on a rampage or was kidnapped by the mafia to teleport gold out of vaults, etc, etc. An upset of this scale to the status quo simply cannot be allowed to happen or it would threaten the very existence of the nation. Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on SpotifyIt is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the decision by the U.S. and its NATO allies to treat the war as its . In his recent book Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the Worlds Sole Superpower, Beckley documents the multitude of U.S. strengths and its rivals many weaknesses. John Ringo's Special Circumstances novels (Princess of Wands and Queen of Swords) come to mind. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Now, how can a government react to this? "I was going to have the govt try an hold some of the new metahumans against their will for studying but the plan fails as they don't have proper containment facilities. The United States needs to worry about Russias nefarious activitiesespecially its election meddling and paramilitary encroachments in the Balticsbut it can do so without gearing up for another Cold War. The image of an emerging Chinese superpower helps the Pentagon justify a larger budget, the media sell copy, authors sell books, investment banks sell emerging-market funds, CEOs get the government to pay for job training programs they otherwise would have to pay for themselvesI could go on. Superheroes that aren't duly deputized members of law enforcement are vigilantes by definition, and vigilantism is illegal. People aren't going to believe it at first because they'll just think they did a good job with special effects. If people suddenly gained superpowers most people would probably go for the guns first. A body is found, with human DNA. The United States is a flawed democracy, but China is an oligarchy ruled by a dictator for life.. Rich Lee The future of. Reply. I think this is one place where Watchmen and the Marvel "Civil War" arc both hit it straight on the head. How would the world governments define a super person? Eventually it would probably get out to the public, at which point it becomes more of a social issue than a specifically governmental one. Darpa Biohacker Rich Lee is pioneering efforts at echolocation, using self-implanted magnets. Let's say you had support of about 75% of voters to do it." Some people want to be the flash, batman, or superman. This is good news for everyone who has been disappointed by scientists saying that their favorite part of science fiction is impossible - there might be a way to make it happen now. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For more superpowers that are all around us, check out 5 Superpowers You Didn't Know Your Body Was Hiding From You and 5 Superpowers We All Had as Babies (According to Science). However, the players have so far ratted out one player as having powers (a psychic effect, reaching out to a target and extending a purple flame to engulf them which results in incapacitating pain for a few moments.). The film followed Tia and Tony as they followed a map to Witch Mountain hoping to uncover the secrets of their mysterious origins. * U.S. refuses to involve themselves in Hungarian crisis while the Soviet Union deals with the revolt. If another Country has the right to remove the head of gov., their decision making skills will be impacted and compromised based on what they want. A superpower is a state that cannot be ignored on the world stage and without whose cooperation no world problem can be solved. 6. Only the United States could engage in a war as dubious as that in Iraq or trigger the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression, and remain the richest and most influential country on the planet and retain the support of more than sixty allies, including most of the major powers. This story is the foundation for an RPG. I could fly through the sky (raise arms as if flying) rescuing kittens and trouncing (jump up and down) the bad guys. Which of the two super powers do you think contributed more to the Cold war tensions during the 1950s? The most likely scenario would be internal decay. Superkid to the rescue!. But say that 1/100,000 are affected or fewer then things would be remarkably different. Another benefit is a large margin of error. "Humans are found, that seem completely normal- except they have no identification. These kinds of liabilities arent counted in the big headline indicators. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In general, the problem of conflicting laws between the states and the federal government has given rise to what is called the doctrine of preemption.Under this doctrine, based on the Supremacy Clause, if a state or local law conflicts with a federal law, the state or local law must give way (unless the federal law is itself unconstitutional, in other words, it exceeds the power of the federal government). There will be attempts to turn metahuman powers off (drugs, gene therapy) and to create supersoldiers with particular set of powers, and some of metahumans will be recruited by government. The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage. Its economy is smaller than that of Texas and its population will shrink 30 percent over the next thirty years. How do you think the govt would respond to this situation? No evidence yet. They will have to check in with some officers on regular basis (at least annually), and probably wouldn't be allowed to leave the country at all, at least not the powerfull ones. C. In our country there's a lot of people that need help that must be considered first, D. Corrupt people must be gone in every country, because they make their country the worst. Underline all words, letters, symbols, and numerals that should appear in italics. According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of . For example, both countries have spent billions of dollars on media outlets, NGOs, and hackers aimed at reversing the spread of democracy and subverting U.S. political institutions. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. 5 Imhaveapoosy 3 yr. ago Milton's long poem ParadiseLost\underline{\text{Paradise Lost}}ParadiseLost contains many allusions to the Bible. So, whether the government or its Cancer Man actually believe that elves or UFOs or djinn exist, it seems very likely that they'd want to be prepared for such a possibility. Voting to close for the failing "Write A Book" test in a. I edited my initial post to include more details applicable to your answer. Gohan even teaches Videl to fly, proving that all it takes is access to and complete control over your ki. Tufts Now recently spoke with Beckley about his efforts to rebalance the view of the U.S. and its global rivals. Scientists will be excited for more people to develop powers and hope that they'll be able to explore a brand new field. Fill-in the blank with one of these words: fiduciary, perfidy, fidelity, infidel, confidant, or affidavit. The United States is a flawed democracy, but China is an oligarchy ruled by a dictator for life. Once the higher-ups realize that the supernatural is actually a thing, they would probably do whatever they could to keep it quiet -- there's not really a good way to say "Oh, by the way, magic is real and so are monsters," and it would probably cause panic. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". Not everyone will be against it and will comply simply because they want to live with no trouble from the law and things like that. Doctors can do x-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans to get a good picture of what their insides look like. Its rumours. Freedom of action also applies to U.S. citizens. The evil forces of course operate in secret and the good guys (although the primary characters are all female) combating them also keep things under wraps--the very existence of the supernatural is treated as what looks to me like a TS/SCI classification. Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper Someone is going to make a youtube video of their new powers, and it's going to go viral - not because people believe it, but because of course the person is going to do something dumb with their new powers that makes for a funny video. Hi, Howard. No Cthulhu, no fireballs thrown on live TV, etc. Both countries were equally at fault when it came to contributing more to the Cold War tensions because they both did things voluntarily that upset the other. I would imagine it would depend on how powerful the power is and the motives of the person with the power. Blood samples and DNA samples (i.e swabbing the inside of their cheek) provide more information about what might make the individual different. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Many politicians would completely deny the existence of the supernatural - and a die-hard few would continue to deny it even after the evidence became overwhelming, because some politicians are stupid like that. Your dealing with the beginnings of the cold war paranoia that would spill beyond just how a single government would regulate metaphysical humans appearing on the planet. Indeed, it's not like such belief is on a steady decrease, either, but seems to rise and fall in waves like much else does with some relation to mortality of populations. Kyiv says a military trainer has been exposed as a spy for Moscow . The government and corporations would ultimately use bribes of millions, if not even billions of dollars to get you to use them for their favour. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. 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what would the government do if you had superpowers

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what would the government do if you had superpowers

what would the government do if you had superpowers

Pediatria: l’esperto, ‘anche i bimbi rischiano il cancro alla pelle’

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Al Mondiale di dermatologia di Milano Sandipan Dhar (India) spiega chi ha più probabilità di ammalarsi Milano, 14 giu. (AdnKronos

what would the government do if you had superpowers

Chirurgia: interventi cuore ‘consumano’ 10-15% plasma nazionale

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Primo rapporto Altems di Health Technology Assessment su sostenibilità agenti emostatici Roma, 13 giu (AdnKronos Salute) – Gli interventi di

what would the government do if you had superpowers

Italiani in vacanza, 1 su 4 sarà più green

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Isola d’Elba prima tra le mete italiane, Creta domina la classifica internazionale Roma,13 giu. – (AdnKronos) – L’attenzione per l’ambiente