sundown towns in illinois map

Some time later, a few students at Anna-Jonesboro High made an Instagram account and anonymously made fun of classmates by posting photos of them along with derogatory captions, Smith said. But there aren't any "sundown" places, including the one's marked on the map near me, that I would tell someone to not visit because of the color of their skin. At the time, he was dating a girl who was biracial. Were much obliged to the managers of the [quarry] if they will confine their force to whites in the future, the Jonesboro Gazette wrote, in language and thinking typical of the paper at the time. While the assertion that sundown towns still exist in America is generally accurate, the above-displayed example does not show sign on display in the United States in 2022. They ask him what hes doing out there; doesnt he know Anna is a sundown town? (For example, yesterday can be changed to last week, and Portland, Ore. to Portland or here.), You cannot republish our photographs or illustrations without specific permission. I love mapping. Sundown towns were all over America. Theres been a lot of attention on sundown towns because people have recently learned that these towns existed, Taylor says. When Loewen began his research in 1999, he thought hed find just a handful of sundown towns and recovering sundown towns, as he calls them, in Illinois. They dont deserve the economy. Longmont definitely not a sundown town even though majority white and Hispanic. Trust me, I have lived in many states, and traveled to all, and know that racism exists. And it was sitting right next to the population sign. Ive heard about some version of this sign from a few people in Anna, but I have yet to find physical proof of it a document, a photo, anything. Out of 5,000 people up there, you come up with one family? he said, laughing. I took a seat at the bar. I didnt think it would come out of somebodys mouth, straight to my face, he said. I visited a grave in the Anna cemetery that belongs to the man deemed by a local newspaper in 1916 to be the only colored man who has ever lived in this city and I spent some time with one of the few black families (if not the only one) living in Anna today. And in 2020, a group called the Defund San Antonio Police Department Coalition issued a travel warning for San Antonio, labeling the city as a sundown town. He remembers Martinsville, Indiana as an unfriendly place. I was in Springfield this week to talk about my reporting in Anna, Illinois, and sundown towns like Anna. Research on sundown towns helps people understand the blatant racism that exists in our country, Taylor says. The methods for enforcing such racial segregation ranged . Get our investigations delivered to your inbox with the Big Story newsletter. "Sundown suburbs" could be even larger, such as Glendale, a suburb of Los Angeles; Levittown, on Long . "A travel advisory has been issued to warn that any Black people in or traveling to San Antonio use increased caution when visiting the city due to the city's policing policies that put Black Lives in danger," wrote organizers in a press release. Independent sundown towns range in size from hamlets like Alix, Arkansas, population 185, to large cities like Appleton, Wisconsin, with 57,000 residents in 1970. They posted a photo of Arieh and wrote a caption calling him the N-word and Annas Jackie Robinson. The school disciplined the students behind the account. [It looked] just like that, he added. The Weekendest - Real-Time New York City Subway Map shows you the real-time location of trains on New York's vast subway network. Learn why sundown cities, towns, suburbs, and neighborhoods developed-and how they continue to shape the lives and relationships of black and white Americans today. Things do change. As his mother followed the van carrying him and other members of the Anna-Jonesboro wrestling team back into town after the finals, people lined up on Main Street to wave and clap and cheer. Accessed 3 May 2022. Some are drawing white flight from Peoria, Champaign/Urbana, Decatur, etc. Anna, in southern Illinois, carriesthe legacy of that history today, as recent reporting by ProPublica showed. Contact Logan by email and on Twitter. In 2018, Arieh won Illinois high school state wrestling championship for his weight class. High 44F. Just own it. The proposal was never brought up for a vote, in part because commissioners said they didnt believe it was their job to address such concerns. Senate Bill No. Assumption. Logan Jaffe is the engagement reporter for ProPublica Illinois. But it was also the home of U.S. Sen. Everett Dirksen, whose support helped ensure the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I looked at the one's listed near me and can tell you that it's all fabrication. Im just sorry we have to talk about that. He added: That is not the Anna I know.. Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Id love to hear about it. Its a part of our heritage, but were changing that, Dexter said. I added layer filtering functionality to help users tailor what data to view. Some of the white people who left Cairo blamed changes in the city its population loss, the flight of business, episodes of violence during the civil rights era on black people. A 'sundown town,'" Riley said, a term for thousands of rural towns of the era where Blacks were excluded by law or intimidation. We came here on the second stop of The Associated Press' road trip across America, a reporting journey that three of us are taking to look at how the U.S. has been shaken and shaped by months of protests, the COVID-19 pandemic, an economic crisis and the looming November elections. If you use canonical metadata, please use the ProPublica URL. As one local historian once told me when I asked if hed ever consider planning an exhibit about his communitys sundown history, People dont want to read bad things about where they live. The map above shows the new metro system I've been designing for Dallas, Texas. The Green Book coincided with the second wave of the Great Migration, when 1.5 million Black people fleeing racial terror in the South headed North, she says. Everyone else in that restaurant in Anna was white. He didnt look around the room to see whether anyone could hear us. Her eldest son, Arieh Hart, had an idea. And thats what I love.. Illinois had almost 150 sundown towns in the state alone. The sundown towns team figured out a way to serve the database records through an API that I could add as a data layer on the new map. These were towns across the United States where black Americans knew they weren't welcome after dark. You cant sell our material separately or syndicate it. Watkins said he . But it hurt. That is why the words 'colored people' are in quotation marks. And that's what I'm really fascinated with because that to me is again more covert operations that are very difficult to fight.. And thats make a better situation for your kids.. That made her feel like her blackness was seen as a threat. The whole world., Annas Walmart draws a more diverse crowd. Michael Hunter leaned forward in his camouflage-printed office chair. A bell would ring to alert Black residents working in the sundown towns to go home and cross the border, Taylor says. Right?? With a rope around his neck, the Bulletin reported, James confessed. Sundown Towns. Anna resident Takiyah Coleman, 19, agreed. The look on their faces was terror, Smith said. Sundown towns are communities in which Black people were not welcome. You are are free to republish it so long as you do the following: Copy and paste the following into your page to republish: Lincoln Library, The Public Library of Springfield, Illinois, Springfield and Central Illinois African American History Museum, The Legend of A-N-N-A: Revisiting an American Town Where Black People Werent Welcome After Dark, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including a Pot Farm, a Bank and an Airline, Barricaded Siblings Turn to TikTok While Defying Court Order to Return to Father They Say Abused Them, This Climate-Friendly Fuel Comes With an Astronomical Cancer Risk, COVID-19 Origins: Investigating a Complex and Grave Situation Inside a Wuhan Lab, Tennessee Lobbyists Oppose New Lifesaving Exceptions in Abortion Ban, How We Found That Sites of Previous Ebola Outbreaks Are at Higher Risk Than Before, Help Us Report on Assisted Living Facilities in Maine, If youre republishing online, you must link to the URL of this story on, include all of the links from our story, including our newsletter sign up language and link, and use our. Where were sundown towns in Illinois? Author James Loewen. It's Boston local news in one concise, fun and informative email. We came here on the second stop of The Associated Press' road trip across America, a reporting journey that three of us . The truth is theres not enough racism to suit some people so they make it up. PEKIN For years, some Illinois towns had the reputation of being a "sundown town," a city where it wasn't safe for Black people to be after dark. Cf Jesse Smollett. Illinois Sundown Towns Central IL has many sundown towns. He just said it. Smith, 38, moved to Anna in 2016 with her six children: Arieh, 19; Atarah, 18; Amiyah, 16; Arojae, 15; Asaiah, 12; and Aseana, 11. Below, a Q&A with ProPublica Illinois reporter Logan Jaffe. HAYS, Kansas On the night of Jan. 6, 1869, Luke Barnes, Lee Watkins and James Ponder sat in jail accused of shooting a white railroad worker in this northwest Kansas town. In a way, though, it doesnt matter. The term meant. That (especially in the Northeast) has everything to do with immigration and climate, not racism. Smith never thought she would live here. He complains that black soldiers are treated better than white soldiers. He recalled an incident in 2016, when he was leaving the Farm Fresh milk store after school. This part of southern Illinois had at least a half-dozen sundown towns. Its really sad. NBC 6's Phil Prazan reports. ProPublica Illinois is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. Yeah, I definitely remember sundown towns being a thing throughout my early childhood in the 1980s . Incorrigible people incapable of empathy or evolution. The term "sundown town" is familiar to many African Americans. Years before, when she was new to Illinois and living in Murphysboro, about 25 miles north, she got lost driving somewhere on U.S. Highway 51 after dark and called her husband for directions. Accessed 3 May 2022. The Klan was started in Indiana so no surprises with the distribution of red dots. Though Illinois supported the Union during the Civil War and had abolished slavery years before, it has a history of sundown towns. How fortunate we are to have so little of darkest Africa among us, the Gazette wrote in January 1903, adding that it would be presumptuous to place the negro in the places where only white men should fill as long as this is a white mans country.. Farmer City. He warns that freed black men will take jobs away from white men. But after a series of incidents that made her feel unsafe in Murphysboro, Smith said, she wanted out. Thank you for the list! The name comes. You can take up the call to study sundown towns. Keep up the hard work! You can try, Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America,", Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism,. In that particular reference, a woman from Anna who worked as a hotel maid in Indianapolis was quoted as saying, I never saw more than 10 negroes in all my life until I was 18 as a negro is not allowed to stop in our little village of Anna.. Walker told me about a sign he said used to be posted near Annas city limits. Im looking forward to reading your thoughts. Later that night, I realized what shook me most about our conversation: He didnt pause before he said what he said. Although one of the young men told police they attacked the victim because he was black, the police did not charge the four men with a hate crime. Sundown Towns redraws the map of race relations, extending the lines of racial oppression through the backyard of millions of Americans and lobbing an intellectual hand grenade into the debates over race and racism today. The semiconductor industry has brought diversity there. The rules of a sundown town were simple: Black people were allowed to pass through during the day or go in to shop or work, but they had to be gone by nightfall. kori. People are discussing a history that has been largely forgotten or overlooked. Between the 1890s and the 1940s, Sundown Towns became a popular trend in Northern states. Hed grown to like it. He felt he and his brothers and sisters would thrive. After 6 p.m., Black people faced the risk of harassment or at worst death. Most people I met in Anna, Illinois, wish the racist lore behind the citys name would go away. A Walmart and fast-food chains now cluster in Annas east end, near U.S. Highway 51. If you share republished stories on social media, wed appreciate being tagged in your posts. In fact the database comes with a note which states that there are "too many sundown towns for us to have found them all". He disagreed. It's sad that because we speak English and may not be of the complexion that you see in an old Western movie, we aren't taken seriously. To my astonishment, I have found 500 sundown towns in Illinois aloneand now estimate that, by 1970, their peak, 10,000 existed in the United States." Sundown towns are communities that for decadesformally or informallykept out African Americans or other groups. He calls black people animals. Other spots in Illinois with reputations as sundown towns or of. I don't want it to be conflated with the reality [that] there are serious policies that are very prevalent in progressive cities and states, Taylor says, that are equally destructive and debilitating to the growth and fairness and equality of Black people.''. Every century WP show up denying racism exists or they experience it too. Some people still do. Some posted. State Champ #1, read another. To advertise their actions, the towns sometimes posted sundown signs on the highway or in the railroad station. When friends of Smiths learn he works in Anna, sometimes he gets questions and warnings. They were formerly enslaved, having fled Tennessee as the Civil War ended, and eventually settled in Anna in 1867, according to Emilys obituary in the Jonesboro Gazette. Sundown towns, or grey towns, were all-white neighborhoods in the United States that used discriminatory local laws, intimidation, or violence to keep their town all-white. Pekin's legacy includedKu Klux Klan activity and a high school's nickname abolished more than 30 years ago that was a racial slur used to refer to people of Chinese origin. Seeing this honestly gives me hope that people can and do change.. Its okay to put our stories on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories. The sign can be seen in a scene where Shirley's driver, played by Viggo Mortensen, drives their car through a sundown town: While sundown town signs are no longer a prevalent feature on America's roadways, racial discrimination can still be an obstacle for Black drivers. Cairo has long been emblematic of a future that Anna fears: the decline of a once-thriving town. (Hindman died in 1998.). So it makes me wonder if others have been wrongly labeled. They dont want to come here, Gavin added. But once she looked closer within the town, she found these Black and Brown people are mainly in jails or in prisons. Thank you for your interest in republishing this story. Act like the cameras on, act like somebody is following you, act like somebody is watching you, because nine times out of 10, they are.. Safety is a priority and this is sadly, still needed. I dont think Compton in Los Angeles is a sundown town. Dr. John Aden is the Executive Director of the African American Historical Society Museum in Fort Wayne. I dont know you or your son personally, one message read. Some held signs: We You, Arieh, read one. By Shannon Harper Working in youth ministry, supporting young people in their search for identity, voice, and calling, is at best incredibly gratifying. Learning and Affirmation, When UUs of Color Convene. Note: This story contains graphic descriptions of violence. Ill be bookmarking and avoiding all of these towns, and passing the info onto friends, family, and social media. Not surprising, but still horrifying nonetheless. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. About 10 workers fled to the woods. In fact, the Columbus region is well known for its ethnic diversity. Giacomazzo, Bernadette. Nathan Bedford Forrest. One of Illinois' most written-about sundown towns is Anna, but Loewen shares many examples in his book including Villa Grove, a town twenty miles from our campus. On the map towns are shown using different colors, which indicate the 'confirmation status' of each town shown (ranging from 'possible' to 'surely'). ". Sundown towns are communities that for decadesformally or informallykept out African Americans or other groups. Schenectady and Troy are also decently populated for the region. Taylor said hes noticed more black people in Anna in the past 10 years I take my hat off to that but, he said, changing Annas reputation is going to take a while. I think this in itself is a form of cultural erasure. But it was also the home of U.S. Sen. Everett Dirksen, whose support helped ensurethe passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. There are no laws based on your race. Your map is complete horseshit, there is no accompanying documents or evidence to prove any of this. Privacy Policy. Today, Anna is one of the whitest municipalities in southern Illinois according to the 2010 census, 95.7% of its citizens are white and its black population hasnt changed much since that modest uptick nearly 40 years ago, according to census data. Here, Illinois is no longer the Prairie state, a correspondent for New Yorks Evening Post wrote in 1858 while covering the third Lincoln-Douglas debate, which was held in Jonesboro, a small town that shares a border with Anna. (Whitney Curtis, special to ProPublica Illinois), (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library via The Library of Congress), Anna is a city of a little more than 4,000 people, (Source: Mapbox. 43 would require employees prove that their protected characteristics were a motivating factor for being discriminated against when previously the requirement was that simply showed it was a contributing factor., The NAACP also referenced anecdotal examples of hate crimes, and data which showed Black motorists were 75% more likely to be pulled over and stopped and searched by police enforcement than their white counterparts. You know how this town is called Anna? he started. You cant state or imply that donations to your organization support ProPublicas work. The map does not speak for itself, it is a community project, albeit a bit slow to update considering the loss of James Loewen. In Lovecraft Country, the journey begins in Chicago. Most of these are confirmed. Not sure why everyone is interpreting your town being on this map as it being a Sundown Town. Bloodhounds, after picking up the scent from a piece of cloth used to gag her, led Cairo police to arrest a black man named William James, an employee of the Cairo Ice and Coal Company, according to the Cairo Bulletin. I think even he got out when it got too violent. Shortly after the city water tower was erected in 1914, residents mounted a siren on the tower. I talked with public officials, historians and longtime residents. A new ProPublica Illinois story examines the racist legacy of one such town in Illinois called Anna. I think the whole world needs to change not just Anna. . Other spots in Illinois with reputations as sundown towns or of racial discrimination include Benton, Effingham, Salem, Vienna and Granite City in southern Illinois. Once known as a 'sundown town' and KKK stronghold, Pekin tries to move past racist history, 100-year-old Peorian recalls overcoming racism to start half-century teaching career, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. O God of many names, the personal and mysterious, We have come to a quiet time, an interior place, a place for the deepening of spirit, the enrichment o Unitarian Universalist Association Many sundown towns held on with a firm grip during the twentieth century. Copyright 1996-2023 Unitarian Universalist Association.All Rights Reserved. John and Emily Sales had lived together in Anna for 50 years, in a small home on an alley. These largely white municipalities are often known as sundown towns, so called because of the practice of posting signs ordering "colored people" to leave town by sundown. Show us up-to-date facts so something can be done. Loewen said sundown towns sprang up all around the country from 1890 to 1940, a period he calls the nadir of race relations in America. Some residents of Anna describe their town as safe, family-centric and quaint, and contrast these features with the problems they perceive in bigger, less-white neighbors such as Carbondale, a city about 20 miles north of Anna that is home to Southern Illinois University, and Cairo, about 35 miles south of Anna, located at the states southernmost tip. There were thousands of these sundown communities and most of them were predominant in the Midwest, in the West and in the North, Taylor says. He added, It was just a racist town.. I told him I was a journalist from Chicago and asked him to tell me about this town. This site was created by Matt Cheney, revised by OddBird, copyrighted by James W. Loewen and heirs (Nick Loewen), and is maintained by Phil Huckelberry and Stephen Berrey. The question is: How? I've just tracked a package sent to me in London from California. How The Legacy Of Sundown Towns Affects Black Travelers. BuzzFeed News, Venice. James W. Loewen, a sociologist from Decatur, published a book on the topic and chronicled multiple cities within Illinois. The more you talk about it, it just creates that issue more, Max Miller, Union Countys board chairman, told me. Cicero had such a reputationin the late 1960s that civil rights marches were held there on the subject of housing discrimination. Can I touch it? As an Indigenous man, sometimes people mistake me for white or simply "forget". There are also uses of a derogatory racial term in documents and quotes cited in the story. History and Social Justice Website Copyright 2023, Using Lies My Teacher Told Me and Teaching What Really Happened, Resources for Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me, Teachers Corner: Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me, Contact Jim Loewen to Speak to Your Group, Causing Change With Lies My Teacher Told Me, Works Inspired or Influenced by Lies My Teacher Told Me, Useful Quotations about History and Social Justice, Native American Issues, Including the Explorers, Teaching Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction, Civil Rights Movement to Modern Times: c. 1945 Now, Alphabetical Map of Sundown Towns by State, How to Research and Teach About Sundown Towns, Using Research Information to Help a Sundown Town Overcome Its Past, Loewens Work on Standardized Testing Used by Others, Embarrassing Questions about Standardized Tests. Its kind of almost a prison gerrymandering that is happening, Taylor says. The green ones with white letters. I mean, at what point do we heal instead of coming back and going, Lets rip this wound open again? Theres got to be a solution, not just a revisiting of the problem. When he said this, he meant that everyone white people, black people, outsiders such as myself should focus on how to move forward. There are a bunch that I would recommend avoiding after dark, but that would be for anyone regardless of skin color due to high crime rates. Should the town change it's name?Walmart: 1:23Jonesboro: 6:07 - . The sisters have a slew of similar stories. Taking information from James W. Loewen's database at, this map gathers together two categories, towns and counties that. They want to see racial tensions so they lie. So, why hasnt it? Arieh said he was called the N-word once during a football game against nearby Du Quoin High School. Patches of tiled sidewalk that once led into storefronts now faded into dirt. She prayed. Even though it may never have been codified, I found references to the fact that black people werent allowed to live in Anna in newspaper articles from as early as 1903. Its before 9 a.m., and Ive already encountered more Abraham Lincoln-related memorials and municipal signage than I thought possible. There are hundreds of these communities in Illinois. In my younger days you werent allowed up here after dark, period, Taylor said in the parking lot as he loaded grocery bags into his car. Id ask. After a white supremacist mob intimidated Black schoolchildren on the banks of Lake Lanier in 1968, a WSB-TV reporter interviewed Cumming citizens about the incident. "There was a contagion of ordinances," says Loewen. Various mechanisms, from restrictive . South Florida has a . It uses live data from Amtrak's Track-A-Train During the colonization of the United States museums and the federal government routinely stole the human remains of Indigenous people. You may be showing yours by using the term, colored people.. If you know of other similar efforts around Illinois, Id love to hear about those as well. Smith thought hers was the only black family in Anna when she arrived, though she thinks a few more families have moved in since. Green Book Sites. And most of you can't even stand ten toes down on the reality of this country cause you want to remove history instead.Keep up the good work!! These towns openly discriminated against Black residents and visitors, and violence was a common tactic. I was surprised by the number of northern Wisconsin towns and cities listed. Or check out the most ghetto cities and the most dangerous cities in Illinois. Instead, he found hundreds, from neighborhoods on Chicagos North Shore to suburbs in the center of the state to small towns in southern Illinois, such as Anna. They are so named because some marked their city limits with placards warning specific groups of people to stay away after the sun went down. I cant tell what color anybody is at night, Hunter said. There is a restriction against spending the night in your car but thats unrelated. Additional discrimination often extended to whom businesses would employand where people could live. When Easter Smith opened the door, her house smelled like dinner. Erie. For the small, independent towns all around the state that are still all white or almost all white, its like the civil rights movement never happened, he told me. One afternoon in Anna during my second visit, in May 2018 I approached two postal workers, both of them white, loading mail trucks behind the towns post office and asked them where I could find someone who wasnt white. In fact, many of Annas earliest residents were from Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. What ideas do you have for how to keep discussing and addressing sundown towns in our state? But the activity spread after the Civil War and during the Reconstruction era. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.. For more information about canonical metadata, You cant edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. Also, cant close or minimize the key, which covers a large block of the map at all times. They were not to lash out or fight. "Green Book" was inspired by the true story of a 1962 concert tour by African American pianist Don Shirley (played by Mahershala Ali). 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. @Anonymous I didn't use the term 'colored people'. It's good for a laugh but that's about it. Annas mayor, Steve Hartline, agreed. At least that is what the creators of the S Cellular Tower Maps uses Google Maps to display the approximate location of cell phone towers and the coverage of each cell on that tower. Dutch broadcasting company KRO-NCRV has released an interactive map which visualizes light pollution in the Netherlands. Signs are still posted. Old heads aint died off yet, he explained. Arieh won Illinois high school state wrestling championship for his weight class the. Are mainly in jails or in the 1980s white or simply `` ''. Lincoln-Related memorials and municipal signage than i thought possible of incidents that made her unsafe! Cant tell what Color anybody is at night, Hunter said Troy are also populated! Was erected in 1914, residents mounted a siren on the topic and chronicled multiple cities within Illinois in! Independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force have for how to discussing!, Id love to hear about those as well on an alley graphic... People up there, you come up with one family that Civil Rights Act faded! 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Was started in Indiana so no surprises with the Big story newsletter term in documents quotes.

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