kara and mon el fanfiction fluff

Its always been Kara. You are my weapon. Long enough to know you have been hurt by the people you care about too many times. But before you make a decision, must I remind you that your perfect life is not the same as everyone elses. Theres one more part to this show, then Ill let you be.. Are you?. How do you know all this?, He steps in front of her, face inches from hers. Talk to her. Kara fumbles around her loft, switching heels and dresses and earrings and necklaces. It wasnt all bad. Understands where he is, who he is, what he is capable of. Clark looks up at Kara and at her expression. They charge each other, and after a few quick punches and several leg jabs, Kara lands on the concrete floor heavily with her cheek on the stone. Its a hard fall backward onto her cape, no bend of the knees or sticking a hand out to catch herself. Alexs medical background knew how much importance touch is in someones life. His hand runs along the dents, his fingers poking through some of the holes. Okay. Kara sighs, sitting down next to her on the couch and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. First, the one in her arms right there, he says, pointing to Lena. As long as you keep writing glowing restaurant reviews, Im in.. When Kara walks into the DEO after capturing yet another alien criminal, Alex greets her with open arms. When Kara and Mon-el are forced into both their parents' plot to unite their planets, it's in their nature to resist it. Im sorry, but I have to run. He missed her terribly. She ruined me too. But Kara appeared, ready to fight, and even though it looked like she wasnt going to win, Alex pushed her to succeed because there were so many lives at risk. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. That was all. William had been invited back for game night at Karas loft. Right now, there is no wife. What do you mean? Hes been struggling quite a bit with your absence from Earth altogether., Kara nods, sighing. During the alien immigration protest against the Children of Liberty, Supergirl showed her support by wearing a native cloak from her planet and revealing her actual name to the people. I can promise that when you dont have a wife anymore. She removes his hand from where it rests on her hip and pulls it out from under the covers. In my defense, wed met online and she said she loved dogs. What? Woah, woah, woah, Lena. I am a Luthor after all., See, I know thats not true, Kara tries. Kara shakes with regret. He turns away and closes his eyes, letting all the air in his lungs escape and then takes a shaky breath in. You need to look at me, okay? The machine rumbles to a grinding halt, exhaust fumes swirling around it. Okay, Alex starts, closing her eyes and rubbing the bridge of her nose. Even if Kara asked. She nods, respecting his decision. She leans over and opens the drawer of the little table. Hesitantly, she lays her arms on Karas back and shoulder, pulling her hair out of her face. How have you been? Kara starts, leaning against the railing and looking back at him. His twenty minutes go by and Kara can feel him become more gentle, slowly lifting his body from hers. Lena is already on it, snagging a needle from her cart and injecting it into Karas vein on her forearm. Someone who loved her with all her heart. Our first real connection.. From down the hall, she hears a sharp whisper. He read her mind, communicated with her as she interacted with the crowd and she could speak back. She chews her lip, pressing her back against the door with a massive smile. She was content with this death. Process everything I just said. She wasnt herself, she couldnt be herself, even in her own world. The Luthor coughs, grunting and wincing as he struggles to sit up on the metal exam table. He opens it and smells, remembering when he first brought it home and how Kara laughed at his bewilderment. And I stand by that! How did you get in here?, She pulls her keys from her pocket and holds them up, shaking them. And even though youve had more experience with that, hiding two lives, it doesnt mean that wont take a toll on you. You know, this is still space. The good kind. Lena glances over at her, watching her face tighten and brow furrow. You didnt force her to stay at Catco and run her company. I wish I was as hopeful as you, Kara. Theyre fixing her up right now, almost done. No, she denies, shaking her head. Its Alex. Mon-El? She asks, placing a hand on his scruffy cheek. With the flick of a hand, Kara is wearing her hero identity. Whatever it takes. She sighs and inhales a deep breath of air, feeling the oxygen fill her indestructible lungs. The Luthor opens the door almost immediately, as if she was watching for her. Her stare stops him and he is caught in a half knee bend. Okay, Kara. With that, he turns and walks quickly out of the room towards the DEO front doors. And how do you suppose we do that?, Kara takes a step forward, involved now that she has Lenas attention. Do you know how dangerous that was for you?. What a beautiful performance, Ms. Danvers. The t-shirt with holes at the hem hed tug while she slept. Kara looks away, thinking. Okay, yes. All at once the coldest ice seemed to graze her skin and the hottest flame ignite her insides.That face.She knew that face!It was him. Youre right, Lena. I will tell her to stay in the sky and watch the borders. Kara raises her hands and points up, laughing nervously. With puffy eyes from the tears she cried with Yvette, scraggly hair in a messy bun atop her head, and chipped nail polish she chewed off with anger, she opens the door. You dont get to leave. Without it, their morale plummets, they become miserable. Maybe not. Why was he here? He watches her actions longingly. She cant see his face, his new expression of pain he wears every day, his eyes that no longer yearn to look at her. Your niece Maggie and Alex wont let you see.. The night still shone through, and a glance at her alarm clock showed it was nearly two in the morning. She told me she was fine. I couldnt be upset with you. Kara can feel herself dying, her suit becoming soaked with her blood. Swollen eyes and blubbering lips give the face a new expression, unrecognizable to anyone who would know it. But be warned, careless villain. They hate each other. It hits her in the chest, exploding and sending her into the side of L-Corp. She feels her ribs crack, her lung puncture, and her leg snap. A label I dont want, and neither does she. He inches closer to her. No! Earth joins the GU and immediately Daxam sends their official diplomats, the Crown Prince Mon-El and his wife, Princess Imra. Kara takes a few more big breaths. Why pretend to still be my friend this long?, Lena retains her composure, finally feeling like shes getting somewhere with the hero. I know it isnt. He wants us to happen again. Wait, so it theres no crime, what does the DEO do?, He turns around to his computer, slapping the keyboard. Unfortunately, that was me.. What did she do, if I may ask? Kara asks, suddenly growing afraid. And since you landed on Earth, I find it selfish for the DEO to keep you all to themselves. Kara made room for them, shifting closer to William so Jonn could sit beside her. I mean, youd love it. Lena watches her secretly out of the corner of her eye, waiting. But you ruined her because of it., He nods slowly. Alex is indeed not among the dead, but at this moment, she might wish she were. He hands it to him, shaking his hand. Im here, Kara whispers. James, Kara, Lena starts, sitting down with them on the couches. Ill see you in a little bit.. An unknown pod is discovered and Supergirl, Winn, and J'onn go down to the ship to check it out. Lena? Karas voice calls as she knocks on her office door. She takes a few steps closer to the hero, her voice rising in anger and pain as she has to tell the worst moment of her life to the woman who made it happen. At least everyone forgave her for it. I havent referred to you as Kara ever since it actually sunk in you were Supergirl. Run! Alex shouts, urging her sister forward. Look at me like you know me. The truth that she knew about her best friend. I shouldve known most people lie on those. Kara laughs at him, not keeping it in. Im excited to see what youve found.. He takes the handle in one hand and bends his elbow, holding it out in front of him. And it is at this realization that she knows she has made a horrific mistake. Do you want to go somewhere private? She yelps, choking on the blood in her mouth which makes her cough, then yelp some more as her stomach is used to spit up her insides. Kara doesnt back up, just leans away. Now, what kind of sister would I be if there wasnt?. Aurelia now has to navigate her relationship with Fred and his family as well as coping with the reappearance of dangerous forces. She could feel the friendship between them growing, knowing it would eventually get to an Oliver and Barry level, and she was so grateful for it. Allow me this choice.. I prefer meeting people out in the real world. Is that new, by the way? I think she realized that she needs you in her life more than out of it., Kara nods, handing the carton to Alex. Imra. That is clear. But there was something about this world that seemed off, not hers. Her legs are folded over one another and her arms are crossed tightly against her chest. She was responding to crisis, saving civilians, helping law enforcement. She hasnt clocked in since she left us. Guilt goes a long way. So do not play any tricks with me, Kara Zor-El. The flat road graduates to a slight incline and she opens her eyes to the window. I missed you so much, Mon-El teases through gritting teeth, showering her face with kisses. When she sees there are none, she glances between him and the boxes. Work Search: His inappropriate behavior and his nosiness and his ego would be too much sometimes. And now youre going to get us out of here, Alex says, staring at her intently. Kara watches, eyes wide and shoulders sagging. Are you hurt? He asks, looking her over. She places a hand on the arm that is by her neck, and the other on his arm wrapped around her waist. She had done it. Lying to your best friend for years and getting everyone involved to fool her into thinking you were just a mere human.. We had a moment. Half of the city had gathered around L-Corp to hear her announcement. Well, if theres one thing Im good at, its definitely that. He breaks the shell, popping a shard of cookie into his mouth. But why is it here? She asks. Why take that away from her?. He was having trouble with that after finding out the truth about Russell. She is powerful, more powerful than the Legion and Supergirl combined, Mon-El starts. Kara pushes her off, looking down at her hand and feeling the heavy metal weigh her arm down. Alex knew normal DEO agents would not work with her plan. He smiles at her weakly. All real. Im scared that if you reject me as her, I wont ever be myself again. Why the hell not? Alex screams, her tears welling in her eyes at how useless she feels. Kara chokes, tilting her head at him as another tear escapes. Alex wraps her arms around her and holds her, giving her the best comfort she knows how. She nods, stepping closer to her and crouching down beside her. All day she had been thinking about Kara. Jonn came back to take over her position as Director while she is on maternity leave, so hes here to see what shes done and changed. Because Im the only one allowed to do that.. Lena shakes her head, and Kara comes to a realization. The group in the kitchen returned to the table, now stocked with full glasses and dessert plates. But while they were learning, Mon-El was struggling. She looks up some of the team members on the soccer team that her, Sam, and Ruby will see. She sits in the office, slumped down in her desk chair with a glass of whiskey pressed against her lips. I Um I dont know. Their first time together happened thanks to a drunken haze and an erotic fever. Please consider turning it on! So, how are you?, Alex sighs, looking down. The woman she had been friends with for so many years was too good, too pure to be lied to. This the story where I became my Rival's Girlfriend. Both Barry and Kara have their pasts, but no one actually know their full stories. It didnt seem to matter to me. This is Mxy. So. I guess not much time to read when youve been sleeping for seven years. She smiles sadly at her joke, looking at the floor. But still, with each one that isnt Alex, she feels guilty that she is relieved. His hands slide up her legs and grip the hem of her skirt, closing the fabric into tight fists as he holds her there, looking up into her eyes with a desperate expression. She sucks in deep breaths, now shaking her head and curling her fists. She nods into his shoulder and they step away holding each others hand. Say what, Lena Kara tries, stumbling over her words. Her mind worked in very mysterious ways, it was hard to follow her. And I do know a lot about you. And the saddest part was, Lena had believed it too. Something had woken her, but it had stopped once she opened her eyes. Alex almost puts a hand on her back to comfort her, congratulate her, but decides against it when she sees Karas scorched skin exposed through her suit. What did she say? Why are you telling me this?, Karas eyebrows come together. Her face was bruised, a small cut on her lip and a black eye were slowly disappearing. Sawyer, Maggie answers, bobbing the grinning boy on her hip. What choice?, Jonn glances over his shoulder at Kara and she nods at him slowly. Karas heart sinks. Mon-El sinks down to the bed and pulls a box over, setting the book on his nightstand. As always, this affects everyone around him too. How could you? Lena asks, shoving her finger at her. Something is going on with you and we can talk about it when you sober up, but for now, Im not leaving here.. I love everything about it., Im glad. Lena? Her body language could start with a bumbling girl and end with a stoic and strict woman. Why didnt anybody tell me? Whats the matter? Alex asks, her voice a whisper. And its all for Kara. She scoffs and storms out of the room. Its night, and the lights are turned off purposefully so she can think clearly. I am Supergirl.. And finally, she understands. God, no! Kara, Lena gasps, rushing to her friends side. She turns around, allowing James to breathe, and looks right into the enthusiastic face of her old assistant. How did she take it?, Kara sighs, closing her eyes. A figure sits at her island, illuminated only by the bar lights that hang above the counter. Woah, Kara. She works with my father at the agency he runs, and like your Mon-El, shes married., A man who works right beside her. Kara doesnt speak, she knows better. It may be elaborate, expensive, and a bit over the top, but she had to be sure. Hey, hey, Kara says, shushing her. Sisters. The president., Kara nods. So far, she hasnt given up on that goal. Kara finds out that they are gone and goes to the ship. Haley, Brainy, Nia, James We know youre innocent and there are others who agree. Run it myself, work with people who care deeply about what our population reads. His cheeks redden before he continues. Because she knows when she does, she will have her answer. Truthfully, I dont know how we stayed friends because of that., Kara laughs lightly, his story reflecting on her and Lenas friendship so precisely. Im so sorry, Kara.. He smiles at her and places it back in the box, knowing if Imra saw these she would have his head. She puffs out her cheeks, blowing air. So I could explain?. Kate watched her, slightly concerned. Lying to herself that this was not herreal Lena, that this wasnt the truth. She would cry herself to sleep most nights, then wake up in the morning a new person to restart it all over again. This. Lena stands from the table, holding up an expertly drawn blueprint of a large sniper rifle. He nods and runs after his love, his cape fluttering behind him. Something was happening between them, and they didnt know what to make of it. For some reason, he begins to cry. She wanted that again. Do you have anything for me? she asks, squinting at his screen for a sign of criminal activity. The chance to do it all over if you could. Something about this hero crying in her lap fills her with reassurance. A navy blue cape crawls over his shoulders and falls down to his ankles, red synthetic leather wrapping around his body. I dont blame you, she squeaks. But the job wasnt done yet. She takes a deep and steady breath, closing her eyes and relaxing before opening it. Jonn had placed her on the broken gurney Alex acquired from the DEOs room of supplies that needed to be replaced. Now it is a large dome filled with holographic images and small monitors. He had closed her door on his way out and taped the caution tape in a large X over Alexs entire door. The city, the friends, the family. Been loved. It's like Supergirl but without the "Super" The sliding door to the infirmary opens and he waits eagerly for Kara to come up beside him. Imra sits up, rubbing her face. They all look around to each other, their gazes bouncing across everyones face. Like he was right there in front of me. Kara reaches her, fallen on burnt knees next to her and whimpering. Lena stares at Kara sadly. The doorbell rings at Karas loft and she opens it, no need for her x-ray vision. That was an incredible emotion-filled walk down memory lane I didnt need to tell. And this was the day she would finally be freed. She sees right through her. Kara brings her eyebrows together at him, watching as his brilliant plan plays out. Space. They arrive at the restaurant, scanning the line that snakes out the door and crowds at the front. May I come in? he asks, looking over her shoulder and into the apartment. Luthor, he greets. I guess well find out, Kara whispers, leaning towards her sister. I wasnt injured, James. Type (?) Depois que Mon-El foi embora de National City, Kara mal conseguia abrir os olhos e o corao para outra pessoa! Basically: The Heroes of the Arrowverse and the members of the New Directions and Warblers are brought together to watch clips from Barry and Kara's lives, in "semi-chronological order" (hopefully). She feels the Supers stiff muscles knotted under her fingers. She places a hand on the door and surprising warmth brings her to her knees, wondering if hes still out there. They shared a tense history with the little imp, and she could see that he still held feelings toward him. I get it. We make a pretty good team, dont we?, Worlds finest, Kate smiles. And you didnt make me do anything. Someone who has lived and had a story, a family. No, Jonn says, shaking his head and turning away from her. She holds Jonns bracelet, indestructible by any Kryptonian with technology from the little help Alex got from Brainy. Kara cocks her head at her and glances at James, then smiles at her friend. Lex used his transmatter portal watch. You made me feel like a real Luthor, and I couldnt stand that. Oh, dear sister. Refuel. Alex hands her a bottled water and walks past her. Youre healed., A yellow sun revolver, Lex tells, picking up the gun from where Lena dropped it. She should have known it was going to be him. Well, Im sorry to hear that. See, after I was shot, someone picked me up and put me back together again. He observes her innocently. Coming to a new city and being the new guy its very isolating. He turns to her, watching as she continues looking out at the view. Yes, Ive lived without her before, but we were still on the same planet. Karas mouth opens, following him quickly. I hardly see him, and when I do, hes already asleep., Alex pauses in her eating, thinking. Alex doesnt answer, continuing to search her body. More intuitive. Kara raises her arm, showing off her bracelet. Kara folds her arms over her, her crinkle arising at the strange behavior of her friend. Just Alex. Lenas line was silent for too long a moment, and Alex grew wary. And he does, looping his arm under her knees and supporting her back. But there were all sorts of new things she was learning about her. Is that my next stop? You okay?, Alex shakes her head, her steps quickening. Youre going to enjoy yourself, she encourages. But not as James. Grant, I thought weve already been over this-, We have and I chose to ignore it since you went to great lengths to keep it a secret. But she doesnt take orders from a Luthor. Several universes converged and formed one Earth with multiple superheroes and doppelgangers inhabiting it?, Kara sucks in a breath, nodding. Alexs face contorts and Maggie notices. She finally looks up at her, her expression faltering as she takes in Lenas closed off stance, her dark eyes, her harsh face. Ive overcome that emotional barrier, thanks to you. Would he want an empty bottle? It shattered the windows of the squad cars lined up under their battle. Alex Kara whispers, not believing her sister would do such a thing. But also Lena. No, I do. Kara laughs and rolls off the bed, grabbing a gown from a nearby table. Kara almost puts a hand on Lenas arm but stops herself, realizing if she put a clean hand on her, it would raise suspicion. You know,I keep asking myself the same question. A job that needed to get done no matter how it was executed. Im so sorry, I didnt mean to scare you., Kara shakes her head, pulling her legs into her chest. Its why I wasnt supposed to reveal my powers when I was younger, even if I couldve saved someones life. Assistance? Jonn asks, looking over to Alex. When Krypton was destroyed, debris from my home damaged his to the point that it became inhabitable. And for that one moment of his love looking at him, she mouthed words he never thought hed hear her say. I just feel guilty. She spots Alex from the ground floor, watching her pace through the conference room windows. I wish you could tell her that. What do you mean, not jail?, Kara purses her lips. Jonn assigned me as his babysitter and it slowly became easier to tolerate each other. She pulls up Kara's Instagram. She wanted this so badly. Anything with sunlight in it. A few hundred yards away, a planted tree sits in the sidewalk, a small patch of grass surrounding the stump. Turned out she had a severe phobia and left the moment they brought out the toy breed., Kara takes a bite of her pasta, stifling her laughter behind her hand. Kate wipes a tear out of her eye. She opens her eyes and stares right into Karas. Lena rummages around in her purse for her keys, walking up to her front door. Because I really dont want to care about what you think of me, but for some goddamn reason that I dont know, I do.. Soft pounding from outside her bedroom made her sit up, eyes narrowing to adjust to the darkness. But right now, in this moment, she has bigger things to focus on. Watching the sister walk, she steps out of the shadows, edging toward them. Wait, the DEO? She turns to Kara. Indeed, Alex agrees, raising her eyebrows. They believe that she can beat any monster that walks on their streets and she can eliminate the criminals that break into their shops. Where you actually going to release Claymore on me?, Alex swallows. And I think Kara was just trying to protect you from that pain., Lena shakes her head, hating how shes right. Im ready for answers, not lies.. Two sisters together with the third far away, yet still so close. I dont know, it happens to the best of us. He nods and leaves the two sisters alone, staring at each other. Kara tilts her head. Before she can race to her room, he stops her. So far it wasnt working. And you forgave me, like I forgave you for imprisoning me at L-Corp.. Kara and Supergirl. The coiled wires that held the bridge snap, the heat melting them and loosening them from their hinges. His eavesdropping is greeted with a series of sniffling, wailing, and crying. A small grin crawls over her lips. But not this time. Ill be fine. She doesnt trust you and your alien makeup. So as the gun levels on Kara, the hero musters every last ounce of strength she has and lunges at them, scooping them up into her arms and flying them to the very top of L-Corp. She manages to set them down on their feet, but her flight gives out on her as she tries to right herself, sending her sliding across the gravel roof and colliding with the entry door. I had the gun ready, loaded, could feel the weight of it in my hands. Thanks for sticking around. Yes. What would her sister think of her? She stands just behind her, nervously wringing her hands and biting her lip, but theres a smile on her face. Her boots are melted, exposing red feet, her shins have bubbled in welts. God, Kara, Lena tries, kneeling down beside her. It takes a courageous breath, but she nods, preparing herself. I am your handler. Who? He asks, uneasily. Do you really believe that I could accomplish ridding the population the ability to feel?, Yes, Kara gasps. Receptionists answer calls, reporters bustle with overflowing files, assistants carry hot coffees. I ruined her, Alex. Important that I know. Kara looks over at him, brow furrowed. Something happened during the crisis, didnt it? How much she wants that first time to come back to her, even if for just one night. Hello, she mumbles, ripping open the bag and carrying it over to the couch where bowls, plates, and silverware already wait. Youre ready to leave her for me, she says quietly. On their streets and she opens her eyes at how useless she the! And relaxing before opening it to read when youve been sleeping for seven years little imp, and they away. He is, what kind of sister would I be if there wasnt? on goal... Navy blue cape crawls over his kara and mon el fanfiction fluff at Kara and at her.. Navy blue cape crawls over his shoulders and falls down to his ankles, red synthetic leather wrapping around body! 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