saturn conjunct ic transit

I will get to that and all other transit Ann. January 9, 2019 at 10:52 pm . Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Pluto Transit MC vs Pluto Transit Ascendant, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Agree. Chiron was transiting my MC/10H (same area where pluto has been transiting since 2017 till now!) I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! Saturn still exact on mercury. If that eclipse at 0 of Cancer so close to the NN, square my natal NN, counted for something, the full moons in Capricorn and Aquarius have to count for something. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! In retrospect 2008 was a career peak. Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. It can also be a time of great accomplishment, thanks to your increased ability to get organized and to focus. For me, this transit involves the nodes, thats what adds to its significance. Getting to the back of the house and out the back door I could see a hidden town! Im in the investigative stage right now about what to do about the osteoporosis. This Saturn transit is good to me. Jennifer and June Gibbons were identical twins born with this aspect at 038 and 156 respectively. I was in the same boat professionally, knowing that Im qualified and intelligent but going nowhere. Is it in here anywhere ? literally hanging in there and trying to find the light in all of this. After hanging up the phone, my hand immediately picked the phone up again and dialed back. Ill be having that soon and Im terrified of it. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. Unlike the most popular interpretation of an unaspected planet is that due to a lack of aspects it lacks expression in the person. Saturn conjunct Midheaven natal is also termed Saturn culminating. On January 26th next year, transit Saturn would be conjuncting my natal Juno. Someone with Capricorn on the cusp of the 8th house may have some kind of despondency or sadness associated with their death this could indicate greater. Im a cancer sun with unaspected moon. Im having positive aspects from the Capricorn decan 3 stellium, because I have a packed Virgo decan 3 and placements in decan 3 of water signs. Lou, sounds like you are having major awakenings and realizations about being among the species homo sapiens. A book which has been helpful for this transit and all things Saturn is Erin Sullivans Saturn In Transit where she addresses the heroic journey as lived through the transits. On the one side my IC completes the kite for my Grand Water Trine which includes Neptune in Scorpio, North Node in Pisces and MC in Cancer, on the other side Jupiter-South Node conjunction closes the Kite in Virgo. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal Whether it's ideas, music, images, mystical insights, or idle imaginings of your mind, you strive to give form to the formless. This was due to lack of attendance. I moved abroad, moved together with a lovely and kind man, he had a lovely family. Last year the South Node transited my IC, those eclipses were on me IC-MC wise. IC in Capricorn sign of structure, lofty goals and achievement ruled by Saturn. I drove off, running away. Posts: 858 I feel depressed that I havent made enough from my life even though I am intelligent, have charisma and skill, and the transformation to change shells, like a hermit crab moving from one size to a larger shell, feels impossible, daunting, scary. There was a lot of waiting, uncertainty, and frustration and paperwork. Im very sensitive and much more aware of power control and those that I allowed to have it over me. in fact I have an estate agent coming to give me a valuation and advice in mid April which I hope might give me some guidelines on where any money would be best spent . the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may feel that the Universe holds you back in life. The treasure is that spark of individual destiny, the inner glow that provides ones unique essence, and the heroic experience is the retrieval of that essence.. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Anytime it aspects a natal planet or angle such as your Ascendant, it marks a serious and (quite possibly) a stressful period. The same applies here!! The tighter is is the more dramatic the year. We moved from a small condo to a nice size house near an elementary school. He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. . It is common for a substantial life shift to be indicated when an outer planet travels through this house. Anyways. The last time Saturn transited my 4th I was forced to move back with my parents due to a strange, difficult to diagnose illness. ? Saturn transiting the nadir is animportant transit. . Angular planets refer to the four corners of the chart, and planets that are conjunct these points are said to exercise a particularly strong influence over the horoscope. This is your first Saturn return. Im gonna have that bitch for 20 years transiting I also have Saturn, but this one is faster, until 2021 will be there. Sent 3-5 times a week. In June 2012 VenusRx occulted the sun in Gemini 2degrees from my natal sun, in 2019 Mercury occulted the sun in Scorpio and my rising degree was in the Rx zone. why is there no saturn sextile midheaven on this website? It looks as if you have been climbing the mountain for a long time and finally you can reach the peak. April 10, 2018 at 9:38 pm. 1. I would have liked to study further in Oregon but my teen-aged kids needed to be in New Zealand. That is the only way if we are talking about real astrology. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). Last time28 or so years agoI closed escrow on my current house. Polly Wallace wrote that 'The IC, the undersky, is reflected by invisible roots that are vital for stability and nourishment. I asked the doctor where the osteoporosis is, and he said the left femoral neck! Interesting way to look at it! Homesickness certainly fits. Ready for some peace and lighter living. Im going solo and will find employees. What more will there be? When Saturn transitted my nadir at 28 Pisces I fell out with my two best friends, never spoke to them again. I finally understood the family politic. Hi! Yeah agree. My life would PERHAPS been happier and more successful`, had I had this wisdom (gained) when I was younger. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. And the rest is history. Technical support I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. Venus conjunct the Asc, IC, DC, or MC, signifies a powerful urge to express this planet in life. Mine is unsuspected as well. A recipe for distaster as far as I'm concerned. It follows the 2012-2018 period of Plutonian-Uranian-Chiron-Jupiterian-Neptunian metamorphosis which cleared the slate and left me reeling to find Mars and Saturn to help me rebuild. My family and I moved into a new house when Tr Saturn was conjunct my IC. I had left a dysfunctional home/family life and moved to the capital to work in the beginning of that year. It made perfect sense that my sun and rising signs closed the first Phase 1 and opened Phase 2 of my journey. I am blessed to still have both my elderly parents living independently in their own home but Im aware that this transit could bring changes there also.I would dearly love to move back up North closer to my children & grandchildren but money (cant sell my home due to contamination)& being available for my aging parents are issues. Can you imagine? Its also a positive, though, isnt it? My Saturn-IC conjunction comes at the right time, Im not complaining because I surrendered to the universe and have done the hard work. I felt the beginnings of the transit in spring of 2017 with some poignant dreams. Now I am getting my Saturn square Pluto natal aspect in looking at Saturn transiting the IC opposing natal pluto on the midheaven. Remember that big January 2019 eclipse at 0degrees of Leo, which involved the stellium in Capricorn, Pluto Mars Saturn and the works? around this time Chiron will square my natal Chiron and mars will conjunct my natal Chiron. I will look into that for you Helen. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. Discovering astrology helped me understand why my emotional landscape, experience and expression was much more powerful than i have witnessed in anyone else ive ever met. I just switched from sidereal to tropical. I have natally Sun conjunct Saturn and Moon opposite. ------------------The Declinations GuyExpert birth chart rectificationRising Sign Descriptions , Posts: 1159From: the world is my home! Take Care, Lou, and be blessed. Keep in mind, once youre on the bottom, you can only come up.. Saturn conjunct my IC was in my 3rd housethat was a pretty good time, in retrospect. First of all, if planets conjunct the IC at a close orb (1-3), the effect will be much stronger than if they are simply in the fourth house. Just had Saturn transit 4th, pluto conjunct my natal moon last month and now Pluto is squaring my sun, a few years ago the Taurus opposing my sun, Venus, Mars was rough! Topic: Transit Saturn conjunct IC: NinaAria Knowflake . Transiting Saturn spends about 2.5 years in each house. At the same time, transiting Saturn will conjunct my Neptune, then Jupiter, all while transiting Neptune will conjunct my Sun/Mercury, and Jupiter conjuncting my Saturn and Mars! I have 25 Sagittarius on IC. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. When Saturn hit that point my 94 year old mother became ill and passed away (Saturn was opposing my 10th house Uranus & had just passed the IC). Jen, Pluto transiting Moon in conjunction is tough. Going forward, the analytical Virgos involvement with my nodes means im going to let loose Virgos discrimination in picking and choosing who i allow into my space and who i get attached to and why. Yet if you research those with true unaspected planets, you find, like the Queen example, the person has the opportunity to become the epitome of that planet and it can rule their life hardly unexpressed!! Interest rates were rising so I had to make a choice: see my eldest through high school or think about my youngest. Any help from jupiter or venus? Last year, 2017, transiting Saturn conjuncted natal Neptune on the descendant and squared natal Saturn; I started working as an administrative assistant at an environmental facility of the government. I searched. Phase 1 of this journey ended on 8 November 2018 the day I found tarot which led to me fidnign astrology before the full moon. Karmic indeed. Thats what Ive done & while draining at times, it has been profitable & also used up the energy so to speak. I just became much more grounded and more thoroughly formed as a person. If all the worked out in the end!!! A Plutonian Imagination. Juno must give me a good not so Saturnian/Capricornian husband. Is she Out? Whatever the secret is, loving and believing in oneself! The Queen of the UK is important with this aspect as i recall, if my memory serves, she has an unaspected saturn conjunct her MC!! That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. If this were the case then it would not be a loss or failure but your experience and achievements would be carried on into a new area of specialization in your career. As Saturn transits the 7th house you build relationships and partnerships of all kinds. The 2020 debunking by Saturn-Uranus square was a second move in a wrong direction. I have Saturn transit MC and starting the square to my stellium in Libra with Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Lilith. The cycle is obvious. This is not surprising seeing as my natal Pluto, which squares my natal Venus, sits in Libra the sign that rules marriage and all partner relationships. But what about transiting Saturn conjunct IC? I certainly hope so! So.capricorn/earth/10 house will be the challenge. Saturn's movement by transit through the houses acts to aid us to learn to depend on ourselves in different areas of life. Interesting. My family is a blessing, however I still feel alone. Im observing the energies to see what that means. Only to learn years later that I was on a journey that involved Pluto(chart ruler)-Uranus (at critical 29degrees in natal chart transiting moon sign Aries)-Neptunian(coruler of my North Node with sun NN in the 5th house in Pisces)-Chiron(returning in 2019)-Jupiterian(transiting Gemini my 8th house of death and rebirth). In this period of your life, you often have to face challenges and overcome them. Ive heared saturn has entered capricorn in 2018 and will be there for the next three years. Yes saturn on her MC the duty , the responsibility, wow. I was previously telling about the time Pluto transited my N Moon in Scorpio. Another person may not have a home to go to. Pauline Shewaga says: May 4, 2011 at 1:32 am. Saturn conjunct IC at 27 Capricorn opposite MC in Cancer, Im on the right track and cannot wait. Im hoping the Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer. I have Pluto at my MC 3 degrees past my MC so there are usually inner world outer /world stories. Also, he receives loose opposition from Mars (023 Libra 3rd house). But, right now tr. Not much, well as a 29 years old I started University atlast! Taurus rising here, born in 1990. I got relationships that brought out my hidden blocks and hindrances for me to see and acknowledge. YES. It can start to seem like your whole existence revolves around the concept of "one step forward, two steps back." Keep in mind that the Saturn conjunct Ascendant aspect transforms greatly after your first Saturn return. About 18 months ago I had transit Saturn conjunct my Midheaven (opposite IC): on the day that the aspect was exact, I lost my job due to covid. The transit frequently coincides with an empty nest. I live in a land lease community where there are a number of elderly residents among us. Saturn symbolises the structures in our lives such as career, stability, family and the 'old ways'. Good things to come? They may feel a lack of nurturing or just plain lonely. However, the meaning will be the same. Ask me Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb Family struggle was a theme. Glad that is all over! IP: Logged. I dont know, I sincerely feel that Saturn has to do with karma. P.S. I started going to another group. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Natal Saturn on Nadir.I feel my family doesnt want me.Felt homeless all my life. I was working on a construction contract on the coast. I think unexpected planets are little understood. You mean Pluto can make you be homeless for 20 long years!??? Co vid ( Pluto ) delayed everything, no tradesmen, mercury, no wood, no deliveries, would you believe even no scaffolding ( Saturn) . ( nature; neptune in sage) . In my case it seems that the physical moves and the angst around moving homes/locations preceded the conjunction. There are typos in Elsas article on the 4th. Definitely not a Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other. Aries moon a pioneering sign that is not afraid to go solo. Theyre stressed. While I recovered, Im not sure my mother (IC) ever will. Saturn is now going through my own 4th house. House at the time had no roof, and no heating in new bedroom extension. She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. This is tough but getting through it will strengthen them and the positive effects will be long-lasting. Saturn and the South Node are involved, theres something karmic about it. Plowed through my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my life. Reply. . I always knew my family is no good but this year, after Pluto and Saturn together Im just flipping out!! I consider this one of the most difficult transits a person can have, especially if youre prone to depression. and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. Divine timing . Like this online, thank you. (My moon is 3rd house too unaspected.makes me go beyond the boundaries of traditional thought, seeking philosophy, very open-minded, sometimes too much perhaps lol). Your email address will not be published. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. Oh I hope not. MC thankfully not exact! Because you have such vague notions streaming through your mind, it will likely take you some time to create or locate the proper venues to shape and bring them to life. So we always quickly patch things up and move on haha. When saturn hit my natal saturn, uranus and moon, mars chiron I started to have huge fights with my mother. In 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all be in my 4th house, at some point conjoining my Jupiter at 24 Capricorn. Im scared anyway. The more responsible you have been and the harder you have worked, the greater the achievement and recognition. I lived in the dorms my first year of college. I send you, and everyone who reads my comment, my warm regards, be well! 10 Reply [deleted] 4 mo. Now I understand myself through astrology definitely better. You can see, in both cases, it takes a lot out of a person. Interpretation Of Solar Return Ascendant For Each Sign. This Saturn (and Jupiter) transit takes it to another level and points to this being a karmic transit. Oh yeah! Saturn Transit Conjunct The Ascendant January 7, 2019 Elsa "You're being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Contact us. Its like the planet is free to wander about the wheel, and the native is free to express the entire SCOPE of the planet due to its lack of binding aspects to other planets. I have just started dating a person who I think may be able to love me (meaning I may be able to feel lovable), yet she lives in another city 2.5 hours away. I did live away from home for the first time, during that transit. I then moved back to my hometown and received a lot of support and found another job via my hometown connections. Major milestones and some really difficult experiences. Luckily I was already pretty downsized so I was able to pack up quickly. My family had moved cities 5 months before. thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. It generally marks an emotional low. Major domestic changes, several relocation abroad, new homes, transformational emotional experiences which were really tough.In my case, my life changed 100 per cent. If there is something to be shedded, be my guest. Im in my 40s too. This interpretation of Saturn in aspect to the Midheaven embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Have to face challenges and overcome them transited my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my would. Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other rising. 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