By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Additional shipping fees will be deducted from your Mercari balance. Sellers will be charged for these types of shipping surcharges for using an incorrect box and the surcharges will be deducted from the sellers earnings. Choose the right label for your packages size and weight to help keep the marketplace fair and shipping labels affordable. And he just replies ok. Note: The Suggested Weight feature is just a suggestion. I went to the PO, and they actually just handed me my mail, no charge--BUT they also gave me an envelop and told me to put money in it and leave it in my mailbox to pay for the overdue postage.Now that I have my item, I see that the seller packaged the item way too securely--they put four cardboard pieces in a stamped letter mail, making it very bulky and heavy. Non related comment: I kind of wish we could find out who the downvoting troll in this sub is Yeah Ive noticed that people just get downvoted for no reason. Thats what I was thinking but I wanted to make sure before making the seller wait for a rating. Shipping carriers charge based on the package's weight and size. List and authenticate luxury items from anywhere, on any device. Anyway, I bought a Kpop photocard on Mercari for $8. [CDATA[ Depends on the post office. When youre shipping with a USPS First Class label, dont use a USPS Priority Mail box. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When a label is used more than once, they charge Mercari for additional postage which Mercari will then charge to the seller by deducting the amount from the sellers earnings. It's killing the resale business. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); //]]>-->,
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