john titor transcripts

I'd be more than happy to give him a web site, a domain name, for that matter a web server if it would help get more answers and time out of him. John says the civil war which starts in 2004 or 2005 (depending on the post) leads to the world war which starts in 2015. This happens almost half the time John had a (50/50) chance of telling us the future if that is what he intended to do.Posted by John Titor on 02-20-2001 05:23 PM((so John had a (50/50) chance of telling us the future if that is what he intended to do. My reason for straddling the fence at this time is that.No one here has presented any evidence either way that would be conclusive. The answer is that there are because of Einstein's revolutionary concept of space-time where time is distance and distance is time! It just sort of sits out there and whirs around, kinda like we do or at least as I do. They usually start out with, "In the future, the army and police will fight its enemies with new weapons systems" When they use the word "enemy", they're talking about YOU! First, thanks for the insightful answers. Maybe Rick can take a close look at the photos. Actually, this is a good question. The space shuttle was scheduled to land at Kennedy as of this morning but was changed to Edwards at the last minute because of weather. Why just the other day some neighbors were burning some ol' logs they got out of the drying up lake bed and you know what ? Since they ARE asking you to buy something, I would be very interested in your lengthy and critical postings about ITS credibility. What is the name of the Pope? If I exist on many time lines, which one is really me? I have an ex-husband I want to punch in the nose when he walks up to the 1981 me the first time we met and says "Hi." Is it possible to go back 60 years and then another 60 years? You tend to look past the individual differences of people when thier job is to protect your life.22. I have to take that to mean that even if he DOES tell you something here, it will NOT affect HIS timeline, since there is some deviation from his actual timeline here. If you don't like the subject, either question the guy, expose the guy, or leave the guy alone. I know John is busy archiving and I am going to help him out on this one because he has already answered the last couple of questions you had. ))My father read the Hobbit to me as a child. He answers questions of many in the chatroom. ErniePosted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-15-2001 01:04 PMi would first like to state that i for one have never said you're an idiot -- i said you are aggravating. He brought out some good points, I'm sure there worth commenting on. That convinced my father to leave the city.From the age of 8 to 12, we lived away from the cities and spent most of our time in a farm community with other families avoiding conflict with the federal police and national guard. It may interest you to know that most Canadians in 2036 are some of the most efficient, ruthless and dangerous people I know. There are plenty of nuclear weapons left but if anyone uses them they will be instantly erased from the planet by everyone else regardless of the politics. John the time merchant is he selling truth or lies?? A PONDERING HAWKING = MICROSINGULARITY you come here & want us to "help" you by asking questions.. so you can figure out how -we- percieve things & why we think the way we do but you do not recipricate the efforts. I spent most of my time helping him.Outright open fighting was common by then and I joined a shotgun infantry unit in 2011. Yes, there are a great many people who think that Revelations has come to pass. ))Yes, this is a problem. You have more than once noted your disdain for our colloquialisms and cultural inclinations. In response to your other point, your assumptions about causality are correct but my personal morality still comes into play. The recent film "Gladiator" featured Maximus a farmer general who defeated a "fictionalized" Commodus. I shall await. (7) I go on vacation in May. I will not disclose names or events associated with individuals. i never saw it on television happening.. but i know it happened. How ARE you financing things?)). For some reason it always works. ((It is interesting to note that the photos posted on that other site were posted by an "anonomyous time traveler" some time back. For me the challenge here is two-fold.1. ((You said you went to basic training remember, on the other forum? As I recall, Hawking felt that it was possible to build a machine but some sort of vacuum fluctuations would destroy it right before you tried to use it. It has quite a few more lines that I don't remember. 4) Anything is possible. But it's logical enough to keep your story and claims going.But for how long ?-Javier C. Your next question may be "Why do you believe that?" As far as I can tell right now, you are headed toward the same events I would call "my history" in 2036. (2) Are the two political parties still Republicans and Democrats? What does this look like? Ask me more questions if you want. I personally enjoy Big Band, some Classical and interesting lyrical pieces from the 1970s and 1980s. In previous posts John mentions that he has no idea what GINGER is but in a later post he mentions media hype and alludes to IT not amounting to much.)). We all have stories of loved ones that have died from disease, war or acts of inhumanity. . Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I won't gain from any communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture predictions. Is there crimes against time? hopefully John will have a chance to listen to it. It gets a little difficult to move around and the hand held unit sits next to you. The coastal city-state of Tyre was one of the world's greatest traders during Israel's monarch period. There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. Personally I prefer our current time-line even with all of it's excess and decadency it's an exciting time to be alive and I can still multiply and divide in my head. it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements). Imagine being squished and stretched at the same time. I don't know why your so upset with me, but you know my word is good. traveling to the year 2001, fly a plane to the desired destination, and then go to the future from there? Do you feel my only goal here is to entertain? depending on how close you are to the unit. We are interested in what the guy had to say, because he made several points, some of them very sound, scientifically. Any changes in how children are taught? Although the documents posted were printed from a computer printer, is it really that hard to believe that manual typing is just a bit more common in thirty years? Set aside the things you absolutely would need and can carry on your back. You'd be dead. why would you care? I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being. (Go there and look at it -- you will see precisely what I saw). Why do you not answer people's questions, but only answer certain questions that they ask? If you can't dazzle them with brilliance. Yet you have tons of supporters who you managed to woo into believing you without any physical proof. Don't. you say popular music would be subjective..but i say: even though i am not a fan of rap music..i know it came to the forfront in the 80's.. run dmc.. the fresh prince.. ton loc. I believe in fact this describes a plot in one or more If this is true, and I think it is, it also follows that it is impossilbe to disprove anything -- although the two are often different problems. The effects of falling into normal routines would soon cause your new environment to loose its "newness". For the record, I have answered Ernie's letter offline due to the length of the response, and the fact that it is offtopic to a great extent, I did not post it here.I have nothing against John Titor, Ernie or anyone else. ))Yes, radiation affected the water but that can always be distilled out. Have you see the documentary on Waco? I'm sure you'll get some takers .-J.C. My earlier comment referred to be choosen for this mission. MSN? So now the problem becomes.where do we find a donut-shaped singularity? Is any of this a result of your expiriences with biological warfare? Thank you for your honesty. On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up marrying his mother. The same reason that makes it so important for physics students would make it just as important to understanding Time travel. Aren't you at all worried that it's only a matter of time before you are found out?And you said; "I very much want to discuss our cultures but please help me understand how you won't be able to change something I tell you happened on my worldine. effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight.No bright flash of light is seen. I believe we are judged on the decisions we make as individuals and the good/evil I see on my worldline is an illusion that has no worth to God. John is "playing you" Javier. The revisions on the cover page look normal for such a manual. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they're standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it. I would only hope they would spark conversation and make the reality of time travel a little more personal. Go to my post in "I am from the year 2040" and debunk my calculations on time travel. and exactly what would they see as you departed? No more dicussion. In the beginning, this "anointed cherub" was created as a wise, beautiful, and powerful angel. which is not really a personal problem w/yourself it is just how i perceive you to be. 28. You say the civil war lasts from 2004 to 2008 and then the short big one in 2015. However, my job was to go and get it and not debate why they wanted it. Things of that nature . ))Yes but there are no large commercial printing and distribution companies. In that manner, it is frustrating to know that you are capable of and acting on all of the thoughts and ideas you have regardless of what the "you" here is doing. If you could point out the specific questions I will be happy to address them. Even if there is 'civil war' or nuclear war -- people like myself are already prepared for those things. My kitty's looking for that Door into Sumer (sic).Posted by John Titor on 02-12-2001 08:54 PMThank you Vega for the information. unit is turned off. Is the general population more interested in (a) mind-baffling time-travel technology, or (b) the events and observances of a time-traveller? The mind is the ultimate vessel for any kind of exploration . These are excellent questions that I probably won't answer to your satisfaction but let me make a couple of points first. Would you?Also, regarding your view on the afterlife. Remember that whatever you post will most likely get a response.By the way "effective meandering" is a poor choice of metaphor, you see it's a borderline oximoron.Peace . Thankyou for the link, Rick. I wish to discuss that separately. One for each timeline?How does a persons soul play into this? In a post from you Pamela, one before the one I posted where you had from the other forum. You might then have to deal with, what Terrence McKenna termed "DEGREES OF NOVELTY AND HABIT". Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-14-2001 09:05 AM. There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. (Why wouldn't he speak English?) If I were you, I would be worried about what the next time traveler might do.even by mistake. I am an engineer -- and I can tell you this much more, if you're a real time traveler from 2036 and time travel is as easy (and as often) as you say it is, and you're in the military or some government service, then by 1) exposing yourself, you've very likely broken several regulations, 2) Put yourself at risk by doing so, 3) should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating, 4) are inconsistent in several aspects of your posts. 6:19-28; 8:6-7; I Chr. Think again.There is more of a nuclear threat, right now, today in 2001 than there was in 1983. I doubt it, why? [Edited by Charlotte Boren on 02-06-2001 at 07:23 AM], Posted by John Titor on 02-06-2001 08:33 AM. There are vectors where you can approach the singularity without being crushed by gravity. Why did they bomb China and Europe? . I am a time traveler from the year 2036. ..i know that madonna was a HUGE THING in the 80's.. yet i was only born in 81!! If so please tell what you know.Do you trust anyone in this time frame? Theoretically speaking, I doubt that anyone could determine that you actually time traveled, but it would certainly make a very good show. What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device? Only problem: Rice was never interviewed with El Figaro. I would have to study the posts a little more carefully, though I would say that the variables used in computing projected postionings, rely heavily on detecting these known masses as opposed to trying to figure out where they would end up in space (and time). I have a couple for you. If you are older than 36 then there should be 2 of you here right now. And it certainly doesn't mean that any story I may come up with is most definetly not true . Roman Republic. It has quite a few more lines that I don't remember. Ethics is an excellent topic of discussion and I hope we can move past a collective insistence of applying everything to this frame of reference. You stated elsewhere that they repulse a Chinese invasion -- Does this mean Australian government side with your enemy? I guess that makes me a liar also. Are we currently being bombarded by mind control devices? but in general? About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate . (7) Does money look alot different than it does now? It fits the exact description John has give us of his machine. 1) Once a microsingularity is produced and placed in statis in a magnetic field, what is the approximate strength of that magnetic field. I KNOW that if I had the chance to go see it with what I know now, I would take that chance. We do not live in a racist society but definitely a prejudice one. If the machine doesn't move its position from world line to world line, the observer would not see it disappear at all. So how is it you propose to expose John? I feel my earlier questions were written without much thought. I'll publish him if he wants.The story John tells is sobering, realistic, and ENTERTAINING. I was born into a family where such beliefs run strong. Various communities also specialize in certain disciplines.38, 39. You can drive to a video store and rent it. back, at least, to Roman times. I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations.When I arrived, I approached my father and was easily able to prove to him who I was. Why Rick? ))The organization of the fighting unit I was in fell under the militia. Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AM. Please tell me what you plan to do.((1. In previous posts John mentions that he has no idea what GINGER is but in a later post he mentions media hype and alludes to IT not amounting to much. Posted by Brett Fredrico on 02-11-2001 02:53 PM. is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour Posted by Kennith Viccars on 02-14-2001 09:50 AM. It does not however, detract from any literary work. ((How long will it take for the loop to decay? They spin. Timetravel_0-It might not be as destructive as you think. You keep mentioning ethics as an excuse not to divulge information of the near future, however you still freely talk about other items such as the physics behind your machine or facts about the far future. I am told that fear keeps us further from the truth and God, that being said, you had stated earlier that fear is what would keep us alive, at least I think you said something like that, anyway I find that a contradiction. [Edited by Michael E. Hendrickson on 02-18-2001 at 08:28 AM]Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-18-2001 11:06 AMThe recent film "Gladiator" featured Maximus a farmer general who defeated a "fictionalized" Commodus.I guess if you asked Joseph Campbell there are only a few stories and all literature is the re-telling of the same few stories in different settings.Boy saves girl The nearest city? ThanksPosted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 10:07 PMJohn, 40. My scale is tipping toward belief.I'll say this much. approach cause it won't stick. I can't tell you what music is popular in the next few years because the "me" here is only three years old. or (Greek)- 'unveiling'.regards,RoyPosted by Andrew Hubbard on 02-17-2001 08:40 PM1) would you be able to internationally travel by: I've read Rick's note and thank him for it. (5)Can I contact you through any other means of online communications? would you look like a heat mirage for awhile? ))Are you sure about that? Of course, being as simple-minded as I am, I would figure that most people your age would know at least the types of musical influences that were around as they were growing up. or just vapor? ((Do communications stay intact. I believe the 5100 is unique in its ability to run assembler language on the 360-machine platform and still be portable. I am one of the few government people I know that read stuff like this. Safe is anywhere a hungry person can't walk in three days. 29. Afew days ago, someone sent me a copy of a time travel ad. A Kerr black hole has two interesting properties. What would be your guess as to Dan Quaile's IQ? Actually, my moral obligation has nothing to do with you, it's between me and God. Announcing to the whole world who you are.2. Take that into your explanation. About video taping the depature Let us assume you do this, and your agents (family?) ((2) What happens with Australia? If John were a time traveler, he would not be here telling us anything about himself. Was there an Antichrist, and was he part of the EU.Thanks for responcePosted by Brett Fredrico on 02-11-2001 02:53 PMQuestionI don't know if you have answered this yet, but how did you learn about Art Bell? The next step is to find a large gravity source to use in your time machine. (As I think I recall you stating that they allied with your side + Russia Could be wrong though.)). What's even worse is having the ability to go back and help the "you" there and you won't listen to yourself. So as Mike suggested, instead of going on about fantastic time machine components and WW3, why not actually gain some credibility by correctly telling NEAR future events? That is yet to be proven, but it has held strong for more than half a It dealt with UFO, E.T., global politics, and manipulation of the American press by foreign operatives in cahoots with the CIA. Yes. Why isn't the mere act of speaking with other people an end in itself? This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate world line. Ask me almost anything. Like AOL Instant Messagner? The worst consequence of believing him is being better prepared in case of any emergency-natural disaster or otherwise. You came and posted on this site with one intention that was clear as of your first post: to make us believe that you are a time-traveller. Well I don't remember much about politics though. Be consistent.And the question was, "Is John Titor your real name?" Are they ALL hit? I need to know if any of you are worth saving from this *Prophet*Who is "John"? 32. ((Why not? Is a sports almanac a required or expected piece of equipment for all "time machines"? He certainly would not give us information regarding anything having to do with "future technology", regardless of the divergence of timelines. If you want me to go over your post in detail put, "Hey John, you're a big Jerk." So my question iswhat is the NEXT big movement in music that will take place here in the US, specifically?I have the feeling this sort of knowledge isn't the stuff you go to Vegas and bet on, because it's pretty generalized and pretty vague, as well. ((So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so? No one here has presented any evidence either way that would be conclusive. "awaiting your findings Or would it cease to exist?In relation to my first comments about folks attacking John's veracity -- I have to say that John's stories/statements DO hold water. Yep, Jason hit the nail right on the head, didn't he? I can tell you how a bicycle functions (because I used to ride them). Hey TT_0, why didn't you acknowledge my last post? The unit displays many things but time in transit, time to destination, VGL variance and unit temperature are the most common during travel. ((What rank were you in the Army? 26:12; 27:20, 23; 28:16, 18).However, rekulla is derived from the root word rakal. (16) Which country gets the worst in the war?Again, the entire world is affected. But he could ask someone and then how do you prove that?How many amateur Physicists here know that answer without looking it up? They have a trading relationship with the U.S. but I would characterize them as reclusive and ticked off. Your next question may be "Why do you believe that?" awaiting your findings It would make for a great book or Hollywood movie. You choose not to believe -- this is not the same as the ability for it to exist. Do you call everyone that doesn't give you a satisfactory answer a liar? i also want to note that i'm a very -unskeptical- person..i kinda have the philosophy that anything is possible .. i infact, believe that time travel does most likely exist.. but mr titor you have skirted around too many questions to be believable. Even if I did, you could stop the horse(s) anyway and make it untrue. You will draw a great deal of negative attention to yourself. three years from now. The thing to look at is which ones he knows and uses and which ones he doesn't.He knows "make a buck" and "more power to you", and "off the cuff". It does not however, detract from any literary work. Yeah I can see how you're really concerned. As individuals, almost everyone in 2036 is very familiar with death. Do you feel my only goal here is to entertain? ))I'm not sure but it sure looks like your trying to say I'm being truthful within your expectations. Thurston Howell is the name of a character on "Gilligand's Island". But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them,, Another thing about people saying how John doesn't know any World Events that are about to happen in the next few months. I've noticed as so must have most of us. There are no reviews yet. I don't understand all the personal attacks.Let's say that John is a "confused person" would it not be kinder to help him regain his senses, than to attack him.Let's say he's writing a book. In case somebody here has not noticed! No, I have not been overseas.Page 12 on comingPosted by Javier Cortez on 02-15-2001 07:53 PMWinkJohn,What state do you live in now in 2001?Is John Titor your real name?What do you look like? How are the five people within the 100 miles contacted? Now that I have admitted my "government participation" let me tell you MY motive. Constant speed is not acceleration. My only concern is how it might affect the "me" on this worldline. is this a log factor ?You could send me the current GPS co ordinates for where I'm talking about and also set your cessium clock to remind you where to meet up in 2036. ))Ok, here's were we had a failure in communication. The United States is still a representative republic in 2036 but it was touch and go for a while. waverider had any validity or not. I asked him the same question. so you don't have a partisan fit) to say the least "challenged". The average lifespan is about 60 but I expect that will imporve as we get things cleaned up. ((3) should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating,))I do know very much about it. [Edited by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 at 08:54 AM], Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 08:31 AM. John Titor, A Time Traveler's Tale Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2. ((Logically though the revelation of his TT ability still makes no sense, as he could easily question people of this time and get all sorts of info without revealing himself.)). I believe John Titor is a real time traveler. I would think that's what makes our interaction interesting. Static black holes provide this type of power. i can possibly understand how telling us that there will be a horrible bombing in canada..would affect the future .. someone on here may be from canada & keep their family away from the site of the bombing .. thus, changing future.. but telling us something of little importance will NOT change the future! PBS ran the Jazz series a few weeks ago. If you could get this to spin at say 3600 rpm what would happen then? Before I waste more of my precious time uncovering this Fakir I need some help from any of you. You would land in a vacuum of space. Has first contact with an alien race occured?Posted by Doug Beauchamp on 02-20-2001 06:51 PMJust a few questions, I apologize if they don't seem 100% thought out or if they've already been answered, I'm tired and I have a lot of work still to do.1) You say your machine has roughly a 60 year limit. John, you are right about the significance of the 5100 so I tend to believe most of what you say about the near future will also come to pass in my personal time line. others among us think its impossible . When I arrived, I approached my father and was easily able to prove to him who I was. Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-21-2001 08:20 PM. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine and it disappears. Sell that truck in Minnesota, buy another truck older than 1975, load everyone back in that truck, drive back to Florida and then depart back to the future. I don't know. Do you have the death penalty? (HA! They might have more of an effect on how you handle you're work day after spending a morning reading posts, though. ))Yes, I am aware that is the obvious first answer but I would hope my moral and logical arguments at least make a dent in your thinking. Why not? something that happens in politics on a national level. The 2038 "bug" is about as dangerous as the Y2K bug. I suspect that attaching links to other boards without the Sysop's permission is in bad taste. It doesn't affect any timelines for that covered six months. Perhaps we could all be nicer to those of us who make spelling errors. In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. Do the current inhabitants of this here planet travel to Mars between now and 2036? (please excuse my change of varibale case).ds^2 = -c^2dt^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 ((So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so? Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?Timetravel_0-Not that I'm aware of. I am sure he will appreciate it. Two different cultures can have a drastic impact on the meaning of words like "proof", "trust" and "credibility". And just for the record the formula for horsepower is something along the lines of reldline rpm X 35 / 6500 Statements.Has attempted to answer most of what is asked of him.The ability to accurately relate a story as if he had been there.A great deal of self control when "questioned". Geez was I wrong! I am here because of my family and the interaction I had with them in 1975. . You're to generic. First hand experiences are always the hardest to have others understand.John is not what he appears to be. I don't believe John is a time traveler right now. The entirety of this thread has been: you developing your story.This thread that you have continued to participate in has gone entirely counter to your claimed goals, and it is obvious that you are knowingl fueling it in that direction.----------------------------------------3. What kind of criminals are in them?What kind of public punishment is there? Come on be a sport. Your welcome to stay at my place.Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:01 AMWhy is that John, somehow you managed to pay your way to get on the air? [[I do but your questions were rather specific. Sorry. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost. . Do your own investigation, and show him how much you believe him. I only want the honest truth. You being the "TT", have an unfair advantage here. What about horseback?)). What does the old 5100 computer do that computers of your time isnt able to do? Is Europe made up of feudal states? If you guys can run windows, I have some software for you that would come in real handy in your time. ((What rank were you in the Army? or something like that. small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in Yes civil liberties are more important. Are there any factory options that make it easier, like cruise control? If so, what are they? I would think that civilians would have a snowballs chance in hell of successfully fighting the military. ", There is more e-mail me if anyone wants the rest, Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 03:25 PM. [Edited by Michael E. Hendrickson on 02-18-2001 at 08:28 AM], Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-18-2001 11:06 AM. So far it's been 48 hours. Are there equal rights? I'm eager to see some better photos In fact, I've tried to point out on at least two occasions that anything I do (at the request of someone else) to support my claims can be found someplace else on your worldline right now. I have to assume further that these are multifunction keys (that is you press one for an alt/control function and other buttons have names or labels and perhaps even numerical meanings). The arch*e*olo*gee people landed like ***** on **** and wanted to know what the ++++ they were doing burning thousand year old native american dug out canoes for to keep warm. I 'll publish him if he has no stated aganda for doing so disclose names or events with. Quaile 's IQ -us-.. just to -you- ( atleast from your statements ) `` I AM a travel... How much you believe him it and not debate why they wanted it or! Do with you, I would be your guess as to Dan Quaile 's IQ by John Titor a... With your enemy unfair advantage here say the least `` challenged '' store rent... Guy, or leave the guy alone perhaps we could all be nicer to those of us, would... Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2 come up with is most definetly not true from... 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