Confederate unit that likes to portray soldiers on campaign, one that also tries to make the battles look as real as possible by taking many hits early on. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Thank you. THEY DON'T WEAR "COSTUMES.". Walk through the parking lot at a Civil War reenactment and find any number of bumpers plastered with NRA, Maga, and Dont Tread on Me messages. October 21, 1862 - December 20, 1865. Because all of this dramas been over a flag.. through the medium of living history and reenactments of military battles. Living Historians. Kentucky Volunteers is a collection of reenactors who will work together with event hosts for more successful events. One who has an itch and been thinking about becoming a part of a unit. Membership stretches from Baltimore, MD to Bethlehem, PA. We are members of Pridgeons Battalion and pride ourselves in our authentic portrayal of and army on the campaign. 1st Brigade Illinois Volunteers has units from centeral and northern Illinois which have formed an organization to over-see events and provide command of our membership during battles. World War I. Living-history mode unit, meet third weekend every month, sabre, pistol and rifle drills and shoots, drills with 12-lb Mountain Howitzer, combatant and con-combatant roles, men, women and children. We are members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors and are Family Oriented and Family Friendly. Crimean War. We are a family-oriented group that also does some living history. Our members currently reside in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. YERMO: Calico Ghost Town Civil War Reenactment February 15-16, 2020, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Calico Ghost in partnership with the American Civil War Society, invites you to witness the Civil War come alive with the sounds of bugles, and the thunder of cannon and musket fire. Authentic Civil War Union Soldiers Photograph 19th Regiment Company C Michigan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AUTHENTIC CIVIL WAR / INDIAN WAR KEPI WITH NAME INSIDE CHRISTMAS SALE PRICED. The American Civil War is one of the most fascinating and defining moments in our history. A new unit in Southern/Central Arizona that is looking for veterans and newcomers alike. A family oriented unit We have both mounted & dismounted companies. We will welcome experienced and the non-experienced, plus we welcome whole famili. Today's 69th N.Y.S.V. Pillow Flying Artillery is a newly reorganized non-political, family-oriented, unit based in Thomson, GA (Near Augusta). We are a family oriented unit that does Battle Reenactments, Living History and Educational Programs and we are currently recruting Troopers. Battle in GA FLA AND S.C. We need you to join up. We actively recruit new members. Come and have fun with us! 26th Texas Cav. Learn about the original unit history and the current group. A Civil War Reenactment is the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. If you are interested in Old West reenacting, come back real soon and we'll . A non-political family oriented unit portraying both US/CS impressions. We have been around since 1989. You can contact us at or at our Facebook Page. We strive to portray Chaplaincy and other often overlooked impressions. Sign up here. A family orientated reenacting group located west of. groups, thus making the USV a national umbrella organization for the command The thrill of living inside a 19th-century tintype has an appeal all of its own, drawing families and spectators. We look forward to seeing you on the field with us in the future. Event Month Days Year City State Website; Battle of Pleasant Hill Re-enactment: Apr: 08-10: 2022: Pelican: LA: Fort Fisher June of 1862 November 1861 - December 14, 1864. For further information please contact Captain D. Thomas Starr at Shawnee Iacono, a Confederate reenactor who grew up in the Central Valley, said she gravitated to the hobby through her love of the South as expressed in romantic depictions such as Gone With the Wind. Civil War reenactments aim to restore the truth, Iacono said. Confederate reenactors. We portray the 23rd. Outside this area occasionally and for large scale events. Reenacting the Civil War began in earnest during the 1961-1965 Civil War centennial commemorations. 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company C, Inc. Company B of the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 87th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company A, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co B, 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company D, 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, Co. E of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers. / 9 th Virg.Vol.Infy, We are a family friendly units in Mineral Point, Boscobel, and Water Town. All are welcome to join. Please visit Our Website for more information. Nebraska Reenactment Groups. Full size 5 gun battery, napoleans, 12 pounders, ordinance rifles,12lb whitworth. This Labor Day Weekend, Clatsop County Fairgrounds in Astoria hosts a three-day Civil War Reenactment and Living History, Saturday through Monday, Sept. 1 through 3. G, N.W. Children can usually even participate, although most reenactment groups have a minimum age (12 or 13 is common) for children to be allowed . The 22nd Massachusetts is one of the largest Civil War reenactor groups in New England. We portray Company D that fought against the Confederacy in the 1862 New Mexico campaigns. 7003185300000000000 1853 AD. Historical reenacting gives you that chance. Reenactment groups call what they do living history, with a mission to educate the public. Stress Safety, Fun, & History. We have members in four states Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas. 15th. This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. RevWar '75 Continental Army Orderly Books Crown Forces Orderly Books Articles from Military Collector and Historian. North Dakota Reenactment Groups. We have a 12 lb. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible. Located in West Alabama with meets all throughout the state, we are a family oriented Reenactment group that likes to have good, clean fun. The Governors Guards are a dual impression progressive/campaigner unit that is a part of the Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors (SCAR)We strive for historical accuracy. We are a family oriented unit, welcoming new members. Visually, the settings introduce jarring anachronisms such as redwoods and sequoias in a hobby that prizes fidelity to the 1860s South. The 13th Kansas is a non-profit Federal Civil War Reenactment Regiment located in NE Kansas and NW Missouri. 25 Regt.Wis.Vol.Infy. A progressive unit, portraying the Confederate States Regular Army. Infantry Co. G Tionesta Rangers. We are an authentic Civil War Living-History organization based out of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, representing the men that served in the 33rd Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company F. Family Oriented Reenacting Unit doing Living Histories, Battles, Parades, etc. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry, 3rd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Company A, 1st Arkansas US Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment, Co. We are always lookin for more men dedicated to the cause. We are always looking for new recruits. 42nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Company B. Graeagle, CA - Plumas County - July 1-4 RACW Duncan's Mills Civil War Days - Duncan's Mills, CA - July 21, 22, & 23, 2023 CHAS & ACWA This event has been CANCELLED due to uncertainty over the repair of Freeze Out Road and access to the site. Members protray both Union and Confederate honoring the War Between the States Surgeon. Battery B was one of the twelve companies of the 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. We attend living history and battle reenactment events. We are a family oriented unit with members from Northcentral Arkansas and Southcentral Missouri. Please contact Jon any time. Registration is now open for the American Battlefield Trust's 2023 Annual Conference in Franklin, Tennessee. California Historical Group: West Coast WWII Reenacting. California Historical Artillery Society - A nonprofit Civil War Reenacting Group dedicated to the life and times of the military war horse. We honor nurses both northern and southern for thier contributions to our history. We are looking for new recruits who will help us man our 12pdr Field Howitzer and Limber. This list is far from an exhaustive list. We also participate in Campaign events (EBUFU) and have hosted our own events in Vermont. Member of N/S Alliance working mostly in the WI, IL, and IA area. Fun for whole family send email for more information. We do parades, battle reenactments, living history presentations, drills, ceremonies, honor guards, post garrisons and a lot more. We are an experienced campaigner progressive unit; accurately recreating the Federal heavy artillerymen on campaign.We are seeking to add new recruits, and have members from Eastern PA, NJ, CT and NY. We accomplish this through "first person" impressions of General Officers, Officers, Enlisted Men, Politicians, and Civilians. See website for more details and membership. Civil War Reenactment Groups. The 4th Maryland Light Artillery is a family-oriented group that is based in MD and comprised of members from MD, PA and VA. Some of these historical recreations even take place on actual American Civil War battlefields. Military reenactors, primarily from the Union Army of the West and the Confederate Army of the West, and associated civilian reenactors, join forces and . 48 in. We also "galvanize" as a Union Color Guard/Company. Being a Civil War reenactor is about stepping back in time to create believable characterpersonaor what reenactors call an "impression". We are a national, multi-state organization. California American Civil War Society. A member of Longstreet's Corps. His ancestor's story comes to life in a fascinating new work that is certain to become a classic among historical novels. This article is from the California Sun, a newsletter that delivers must-read stories to your inbox each morningfor free. Caution: Milsurpia does not support or condone any extremist, or anti-American organizations or activities. We do both Reenactments /living history. Family friendly. We do galvanize and have civilian impressions that also in the unit. We are a newly organized unit of dismounted cav. Sep 02 to Sep 03, 2023. 1st Section, US Signal Corps, Department of New York, Since 1964, the re-created 148th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been educating the public and paying homage to the original group of men who set off from the Finger Lakes area of western New York for the seat of war in the fall of 1862. Come help us keep history alive! We portray infantry, artillery and navy. If you have a desire to honor your ancestors and defend your heritage, then the 22nd SCVI is for you. We are a family oriented CS unit based out of Rose Creek, MN. We are a rifle company affiliated with the 5th Division ANV . Men of the Union enlist! WWII Airsoft reenactors. Member of the 4th Regt, Army of Northern VA. Unit Co E, 2nd NC Mounted Infantry is primarily a Union group but also portrays Confederate if needed. We do living history and personal appearences(certain schools).We don't travel more than 3 hours from where most our people live. If interested please contact me, 2nd Sgt. BOOK TIP: "The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era". A love of history, a desire to better . Confederate States Marine Corp. Company "A" Pensacola. Mounted and dismounted troopers recreating the war in the west. Contact us. Please E-Mail Us for More Information! Follow the links to the command elements to see listings of the We are a family oriented unit out of north western Ohio. See website for contact information. We have Combantants and Civilians. People with an interest in portraying "REAL Yankees"rather than galvanised one's welcome to join a unit that enjoys the drill of the mid 19th c. as did our regular forebears. Missouri Reenactment Groups. We are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians. Todays 69th N.Y.S.V. The Sealed Knot - Army of Parliament: Looking for like minded individuals to join our unit, for info write 1st Lt. 4th SC INF 184 Honeybrook Circle Girard Pa. 16417. Reenactment Camp Battle Civil war. Regulars, 3rd We have one Captain, two Sergeants and one Corporal, in addition to many Privates. We do Confederate and Federal! Its very romantic, Tauszik said. Recruits are wanted. Tauszik shared some of his photographs with the California Sun. The New River Rifles is based out of Southwest Virginia, but has members from all across the Eastern United States, from North Carolina to Ohio and New York. Our goal is to teach through living history. Inside the World of Southern California's Civil War Re-enactors. We are a brand new unit based out of West Virginia, though we will accept members in other areas. Art Deco Society of California - Northern California - Themed events around the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. Join us by contacting Cav. Buy at The American Civil War. An extremely active, family-oriented, Civil War Union Army infantry reenacting and living history unit with members throughout Southern California. Participants say they are drawn to the events for several reasons camaraderie, love of history, sartorial escapism but for many, personal political views play a role. civilian personnel from the period of the American Civil War, We welcome Union and Confederate any branch of sevice. Photos and descriptions of reenactment groups will not be listed without expressed consent. We are a dis-mounted and mounted contingent. The English Civil War Society UK: English Civil War: 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history, educational visits, film and TV work Ermine Street Guard UK: Roman army: 50 AD 200 AD Combat reenactment, living history, TV and film work, education work, research Historia Normannis UK France USA: Middle Ages: 1100 1215 Combat reenactment . We also galvanize as the 5th Kentucky Battery, USA. Civil War Indian Fighters! We are a field hospital that does local reenactments and living histories. Family Oriented Reenacting Unit doing Living Histories, Battles, Parades. Our female and invalided members portray civilians of the period. Infantry Co. I, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, Incorporated, 11th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Connecticut, Van Dyke's Howitizers 1st Florida Artillery. We do many Civil war events. It attracted nearly 200 people. The 125th anniversary of the start of the war in 1986 saw reenacting turn into a serious hobby. Our primary impression is of a generic Confederate Color Guard/ Color Company. We are a family-oriented unit that is always looking for prospective recruits. We do living historys and reinactments in md,pa,va.e-mail me at, Company "E",Confederate States Marines, "The Savannah Marine Guard", Men of the South To Arms! Of his photographs with the California Sun educate the public full size 5 gun battery USA! 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